
Saturday, July 30, 2005


A reader sent in the link in email.

From LifeSite News

BOSTON, Massachusetts, July 29, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Hospitals in Massachusetts don’t know what to do with birth certificates that have the headings of “Mother” and “Father” on them. The state has legalized same-sex marriage and hospitals are seeking the nomenclature to refer to the logically confused parentage of children born into same-sex ‘families’. Governor Mitt Romney has vaguely advised hospitals to cross out one or the other and insert “Second Parent” but some clerks who register births are questioning the legality of such a procedure.

Gay ‘rights’ activists are asking that the state remove the words mother and father from the birth certificates and to replace them with Parent A and Parent B. "There should be no doubt in Massachusetts that Massachusetts records should accurately reflect the true nature of Massachusetts families and that includes same-sex couples," said Michele Granda, staff attorney for Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders.

When the defenders of androgyny get their way, this little problem in semantics will just be history unless you happen to be on the delivery room staff.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!


My pastor talked mostly about the saints and what they endured rather than give up belief in Jesus Christ. He talked about Paganism and how the early Christians refused to give in to the demands of the Pagans that they abandon Christian ways. Then he talked about the Paganism we have today in our culture and the subtle persuasion Catholics must endure in order to remain Catholic. And he talked about other countries where the faithful are sometimes shot because they are believers.

I paid a little more attention to just who and when reverence was paid to the tabernacle. Not only does my pastor reverence the tabernacle when he passes it, so do the servers during Mass. Makes the Glenmary missions priest we had last weekend look even more peculiar with his bow to the congregation and ignoring of the tabernacle.


This story arrived in email. Is it true? If it is true, it's as bad as the rest of the scandals in the Catholic Church.


1. The garden of Eden was in Iraq.
2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, was the cradle of civilization!
3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.
4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.
5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!
6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, which is in Iraq.
7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.
8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.
9. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel.
10. Amos cried out in Iraq!
11. Babylon, which is in Iraq, destroyed Jerusalem.
12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq!
13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (Jesus had been
in Iraq also as the fourth person in the fiery furnace!)
14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in
15 Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.
16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.
17. The wise men were from Iraq.
18. Peter preached in Iraq.
19. The "Empire of Man" described in Revelation is called Babylon,
which was a city in Iraq!

And you have probably seen this one. Israel is the nation most often
mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is second? It is
Iraq! However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible. The
names used in the Bible are Babylon, Land of Shinar, and Mesopotamia.
The word Mesopotamia means between the two rivers, more exactly between
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The name Iraq, means country with deep

Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant
country in the Bible.

No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy
associated it than Iraq.

And also.. This is something to think about! Since America is typically
represented by an eagle. Saddam should have read up on his Muslim

The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible)

Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a
fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the
lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair
still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of
Allah; and there was peace.

(Note the verse number!)


Go read Matt Abbott's May 12th column...All is not well in the Archdiocese of Miami. Attorney Sharon Bourassa of Sunrise, Fla. sent the following (edited) e-mail to a number of individuals, including Pope Benedict XVI

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!


A reader sent in John Allen's column in which he quotes Pope Benedict's discussion of Islam:

"I think that first we must recognize that Islam is not a uniform thing. In fact, there is no single authority for all Muslims, and for this reason dialogue with Islam is always dialogue with certain groups. No one can speak for Islam as a whole; it has, as it were, no commonly regarded orthodoxy. And, to prescind from the schism between Sunnis and Shiites, it also exists in many varieties. There is a noble Islam, embodied, for example, by the King of Morocco, and there is also the extremist, terrorist Islam, which, again, one must not identify with Islam as a whole, which would do it an injustice. "An important point, however, is … that the interplay of society, politics, and religion has a completely difference structure in Islam as a whole. Today's discussion in the West about the possibility of Islamic theological faculties, or about the idea of Islam as a legal entity, presupposes that all religions have basically the same structure, that they all fit into a democratic system with its regulations and the possibilities provided by these regulations. In itself, however, this necessarily contradicts the essence of Islam, which simply does not have the separation of the political and religious sphere which Christianity has had from the beginning. The Koran is a total religious law, which regulates the whole of political and social life and insists that the whole order of life be Islamic. Sharia shapes society from beginning to end. In this sense, it can exploit such partial freedoms as our constitution gives, but it can't be its final goal to say: Yes, now we too are a body with rights, now we are present just like the Catholics and the Protestants. In such a situation, it would not achieve a status consistent with its inner nature; it would be in alienation from itself.

"Islam has a total organization of life that is completely different from ours; it embraces simply everything. There is a very marked subordination of woman to man; there is a very tightly knit criminal law, indeed, a law regulating all areas of life, that is opposed to our modern ideas about society. One has to have a clear understanding that it is not simply a denomination that can be included in the free realm of a pluralistic society. When one represents the situation in those terms, as often happens today, Islam is defined according to the Christian model and is not seen as it really is in itself. In this sense, the question of dialogue with Islam is naturally much more complicated than, for example, an internal dialogue among Christians.

The Islamists might be quick to point to our controversy over elected officials voting to maintain abortion rights. While they would agree with the Catholic position, it still must be acknowledged that is Catholic influence on secular politics.

Friday, July 29, 2005


According to Rev. William G. Most's explanation of "The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, they are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord. The Fruits of the Holy Spirit, according to Galatians 5 in the Douay Rheims are charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, chastity. Charity was changed to love in the NAB. Yet despite the fact that there are 7 Gifts and 7 Fruits, Meisner concentrates on just one--love--and he does it over and over and over, Sunday after Sunday.

Where does he get a theology with only one Gift/Fruit of the Holy Spirit? Perhaps the first five months of his "Sunday Thoughts" in 2004 give a clue. From January 4 to May 23, with the exception of Easter, Meisner writes on quotes from Marianne Williamson's book A Return to Love.

Williamson's theology is based on the popular work of Helen Schucman, A Course in Miracles. At the EWTN website, Tracy Moran outlines the problems with this theology. The article is titled "A Course in Brainwashing." The first problem is that A Course is channeled. In the article Fr. Mitch Pacwa is quoted:

The key problem is the [course's] pseudo - Christian vocabulary and ideas....People don't know the Catechism, they don't know their faith....The course strongly rejects the correct use of reason and thinking....This is precisely what makes the Course feasible. Once you get rid of reason, you get rid of discussion.

This same "logic" turns up in other occult material. It would seem that thinking and reasoning and asking questions is anathema to occultists. According to Fr. Pacwa:

One of the things said repeatedly and forcefully in the course is that sacrifice has nothing to do with love--they are incompatible.

Fr. Benedict Groeschel is even more critical, calling the movement a sophisticated cult. The article indicates that the Course "presents the image of a contemporary revealed scripture, a modern-day message from God to mankind." But revelation was completed with Jesus Christ. There is nothing left to reveal. (CCC 65 and 66)

Meisner demonstrates what Fr. Groeschel describes. In his June 6, 2004 "Sunday Thoughts" he writes that:

It was Jesus who invited us to call our Father, Dad, and He referred to Himself as our Brother, but it is in our day that the Holy Spirit has revealed Her desire to be known as the feminine part of God and called Sophia.

On Pentecost Sunday (May 30, 2004) he follows that up with:

Now, in our time, She wishes to be known as Sophia. This name was given her in Scripture, and with it She can better be known and loved by men and women as a Person of the Holy Trinity.

What's more, he tells us that "this Divine Woman...completely transformed [the Apostles and Disciples], and we dare to say that She did it much more than Jesus did!"

Meisner questions scripture:

August 22, 2004:

Is it possible that mankind has interpreted and even wrote the word of Scripture through his own colored glasses of anger and revenge?

Apparently he doesn't know the First Commandment--either the First Commandment of the Ten, or the First Commandment of the two that Jesus gave. He writes:

August 1, 2004:

Our ability to fulfill the first commandment, love God and others, depends on our ability to love self. If our primary emphasis is placed on growing in the ability to love self by acquiring virtue and inner healing, then the things outside of self, the things of this world, its possessions and power, will never be abused or used as a substitute for or a projection of one's inner spirit.

A Christian is called to self-forgetfulness so as to concentrate on the needs of others. Meisner presents just the opposite idea.

On October 24, 2004 he asks: "What does it profit a man if he conquer the whole world and still does not experience love in his heart?" a parody of "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul"? (Mark 8:36)

At a glance the entry for June 20, 2004, appears to be traditional Catholic theology. There is the picture of the Sacred Heart. There is the picture of Divine Mercy. But read the theology. For Meisner, the sacred heart is not only the heart of Jesus, it is also our heart in which we would work to "initiate the flame". We would do that by:

first visualiz[ing] the energy that is contained within our physical and spiritual bodies, harness it so that we can move it up into the upper area, our sacred heart, and then ignite this energy within. It is like igniting a gas stove. First, the gas is turned on. Then a simple flame ignites a whole fire.

One would hope that our heart would not suffer the same fate as the gas stove in Meisner's hands!

Contemplative prayer is important to Meisner's theology. He doesn't explain it precisely, but on July 18, 2004 he tells us that

when we share intimate love with our beloved, we are also sharing it with the Lord. That sharing will become even more conscious when the beloved is also aware that the Lord is present in their sharing of such intimate love. In unconditional intimate love, three is not a crowd. Three is the Trinity! Perhaps this thought will clarify more why La Ermita wants all to know the Holy Spirit as Sophia. Such an intimate love for many men can more easily be experienced with Sophia, the Divine Feminine of God.

Meisner has in mind that our beloved will enter into our aura which means within 3 to 5 feet of us. He says: "The beloved must be able to occupy the same 'space' with peace and love. Such a union is called contemplative. It is contemplative prayer."

I would give it another name--"sacramental sex." I don't recall any of the saints suggesting that was the equivalent of contemplative prayer.

On June 13, 2004 we are told that the Eucharist is a meal. There is no mention of sacrifice.

Meisner delivers the forgiveness homily on November 14, 2004. This is the concept that has been put forth by priests and bishops during the sexual abuse crisis.

Much of what Meisner writes reminded me of the theology of former Catholic James Twyman. The heavy emphasis on love, combined with teaching on the need to get rid of fear while spreading forgiveness is reminiscent of Twyman's thinking. This is hardly surprising since Twyman, like Meisner, got his ideas from A Course in Miracles via Marianne Williamson. Twyman, a visionary, if you will recall from my previous blogs, promotes Our Lady of the Universe. He makes no secret of the fact that his religion is the religion of the Cathars. It was not a great surprise to read in Meisner's November 28, 2004 "Sunday Thoughts":

The movement of James Twyman has hundreds of thousands throughout the world associated with him in contemplative prayer. The charismatic renewal that has taken place in almost all churches also has opened the doors of hundreds of thousands to contemplative prayer.

On October 31, 2004, Meisner reminds us again that

La Ermita formally came into existence December 27, 1994 when its founder rededicated his life to Sophia, the Holy Spirit, before the Abbot of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery and some members and friends. He is known as a hermit in the marketplace, a man who desires to integrate, well, the life of contemplative prayer with daily living in a world of work and problems.

A website dedicated to "The Cathar Myth: 'Church of the H. Grail' reminds us again that

a seance held in 1881 had foreshadowed to the Duchess [Lady Caithness] "a revolution in religion which would result in the New Age of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit" (source: "History of the Gnostic Catholic Church" by T. Apiryon)....

De Castres instructed Doinel to reconstitute the Gnostic Doctrine by establishing a Gnostic Church, the "Assembly of the Paraclete". Doinel was spiritually wed with his "Helene-Ennoia (Simon Magus' "Sophia"), his 'Helen' who would serve as an oracle. He was also 'ordered' to take the Fourth Gospel, 'the Gospel of John', as the holy book of the forthcoming Gnostic Church. Male Bishops and female "Sophias" would administer Doinel's Gnostic "Cathar" Church, a neo-Albigensian Church.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Amy has this linked. It feels good to read this correction!


If you own a house that was built after 1995, you know about it. If you own a house built before 1950 and nothing has been remodeled, you don't have a clue.

"Clue about what?" you ask. The 1.6 gallon toilet our government has decided will be the only way to flush. That linked article reviews the development of family water conservation in the little room we don't talk about--in case you want the facts.

The problems look so benign in print.

Right now I'm only interested in the anecdote. We have recently had the bathrooms remodeled which meant that the new toilets were installed. The old plumbing did need to be replaced. It was installed in the early 50s and had seen too much use. The last family to own this house had four kids, and we knew when we bought it that bathroom remodeling was on the agenda. That was 28 years ago. I won't bore you with the reasons why it took 28 years.


We quickly discovered that there are certain times when double flushing is mandated. Clear goes down just fine. Yellow does as well. White islands may or may not. Brown stuff....You get the picture. Fortunately there are two of these in our house so that when one is filled to the rim the other is usually working. Most of the time after a few hours have passed the water will return to normal level and they can be flushed, so the best thing to do is shut the door and hang an "out of order sign". That's what I did yesterday.

About ten o'clock last night, I figured the thing was over its snit and flushed it. Wrong. The water rose...and rose...and rose to the edge of the bowl then flowed over the sides like a cascading park fountain.

I was standing there in my pajamas and bare feet watching in shock as this took place, then sprinted into action grabbing the bathroom rug, only to discover that the rug is made of rather non-absorbent material.

About now my husband who was already reading in bed got up to see what was going on. And he did what husbands do when something goes wrong. Looked around for someone to blame and saw me.

I went to the basement for the bucket of water and lots of rags leaving a trail of wet footprints down the stairs. After cleaning it up and gathering up the sopping mess I took it down to the basement, dripping water from the rug all the way. Down there I found out why it's a bad idea to put a fountain in the bathroom. The water is not contained once it escapes from the main reservoir. It flows between the floor boards and the baseboard, seeking the lower level, and cascading over everything stored below, doubling the size of the mess. About the time I noticed this my feet found the cold wet concrete and decided they were having nothing to do with it. Contemplating the world from a sitting position with soaking wet pajamas, I thought about all of the things I could do to the man who invented the 1.6 gallon flush toilet. It's a good thing he wasn't here.

This morning I have a badly bruised elbow and arm. (That's what hit the concrete next when the feet departed!) I've just satisfied my husband's request to call a local hardware store to find out where to get a normal toilet (In Canada), and I've read the article about our brilliant representatives in Washington who have known about this little problem since 1995 and done nothing about it.

And they wonder why there are revolutions!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


You can read about it at BBC News.


AP writer Nicole Winfield analyzes Pope Benedict's first 100 days. She indicates there may be a ray of hope on the Orthodox-Roman Catholic discussions.


There is not much available online about Ted Meisner apart from his website. I did find this column by Ed Grisamore which says that Ted Meisner and Javier Lopez are patients at the Macon Volunteer Clinic where they are instrumental in a language program to facilitate doctor-patient communication with Spanish patients. According to the article "Meisner learned Spanish when he served as a missionary in Bolivia in the 1960s. He met Lopez when Meisner was principal of a school there. Lopez came to Macon two years ago. Lopez is a cook at the Blue Plate restaurant on Ingleside Avenue."

Meisner's January 2, 2005 "Sunday Thoughts" concern the artwork of Timothy P. Schmaltz, titled "Holy Family." This sculpture of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph is also pictured on the main index of La Ermita where it is described this way: "Timothy P. Schmalz, a Canadian Christian sculptor, created the above image of the Holy Family, entitled “A Quiet Moment.” It is used here with permission. If you desire to know more, please visit the Holy Family Ministry. For La Ermita, the image also reflects the Family of the Holy Trinity, the Father, Sophia and Jesus."

The Trinity as father, mother, son implies the Blessed Virgin Mary was a lesbian since the Holy Spirit was her spouse in the conception of Jesus. It also implies that two women together can conceive new life. The concept of the Holy Spirit as a woman contradicts Roman Catholic theology.

The sculpture is beautiful. Our late Pope thought so as well as can be seen on the Holy Family Ministry website.

I went to Timothy Schmalz's website to see what other work he has done. Most of his work depicted there is religious in nature, primarily Catholic. I liked most of it. It is tasteful and chaste. A small portion of his art, however, is mildly pornographic. What to make of St. Mary?? And then there is Enraptured. There is also a Pregnant Madonna in the collection.


From the World Peace Herald

WASHINGTON -- By the time the synod of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem convenes Aug. 15 to elect a new patriarch of the Holy City, they hope to have evicted the current one from the residence where he has dug himself in, protected by Israeli police.

Patriarch Irineos I was voted out of office by his peers in the Episcopal Synod in May when it emerged he had without proper consultation leased church property in East Jerusalem to Jewish developers. The expulsion was confirmed at a meeting of Orthodox patriarchs from Moscow, Cyprus, Serbia, Alexandria, and Antioch in Istanbul on May 23. Still, Patriarch Irineos remains in the house adjoining the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem with Israelis guarding him from any attempt to remove him forcibly.

Responsibility for maintaining the holy places in Jerusalem including the landmarks connected with the life of Jesus is shared by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic clergy, but the partnership between clerics has not always been a happy one. Irineos himself led at least one demonstration in which Catholic pilgrims were beaten up by Orthodox churchgoers, and the clashes had to be broken up by Israeli police.

The Jerusalem government's support is based on its claim that it has the right to approve both the appointment and -- as in the case -- the removal of the Orthodox patriarch. The government of Jordan claims the same right, but contrary to the Israelis it has endorsed the synod's ouster, and supports the selection of Irineos' successor. On July 14, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, issued a statement also endorsing the patriarch's removal.


wades in on the John Roberts confirmation:

It is the intention of the Family Research Council to encourage legislators not to pit nominees' faith against their fitness for public office. We will continue to remind citizens that Article VI of the U.S. Constitution clearly states that "...no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." Your reported line of questioning, and criteria on eliminating any jurist who takes a moral stance on the sanctity of human life, effectively imposes a religious litmus test that would exclude a wide spectrum of people of strong religious beliefs.


Catholic News Service reports:

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Divorced and civilly remarried Catholics who suffer because they cannot receive Communion must be welcomed in parishes as Catholics who witness to the importance of the Eucharist, Pope Benedict XVI said.

At the same time, he said, if a priest, acting out of compassion for their suffering, gives them the Eucharist, he risks undermining the dignity and indissolubility of the sacrament of marriage.

"We all know that this is a particularly painful situation," the pope said July 25 during a meeting with about 140 priests, religious and deacons from the Valle d'Aosta region where he was vacationing.

The pope added that he knew the issue could get complicated and said, "Given these people's situation of suffering it must be studied."

The meeting, which was closed to the press, lasted about two hours. The pope's opening remarks and responses to questions from the priests were transcribed and published July 27 in the Vatican newspaper.

"The pope is not a prophet," he told the priests. "He is infallible in very rare circumstances, as we all know."

How about that last line?!!

I wonder why he didn't mention spiritual communion as an alternative in this difficult situation?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


There is a link in La Ermita for a page devoted to Rodolfo Ponce. Reading it sheds considerable light on the ministry of Meisner and those working with him.

La Ermita is devoted to helping Hispanic migrant workers. Rodolfo Ponce was one of them who got to know this community in Macon, Georgia while his lukemia was in remission. When the lukemia returned, he went home to die, and Meisner went to El Llano to be with him when he died. His family home was very poor. It's a touching story.

In the story you will read this passage:

I celebrated Mass for them on Wednesday. We had to use a tortilla for bread and brandy for wine. His mother gave me a plastic champaign wedding glass to use as a chalice. That's all there was available. At the end of that Viaticum Mass Rodolfo got out of bed and hugged everybody present.

The tribute is signed "Ted." Is Ted a priest? If he is not a priest, what did he do to this Hispanic family and their dying son? Nowhere does Ted claim to be a priest. In his website he presents "Sunday Thoughts 2004 and 2005". Those Thoughts reveal his theology. On February 13, 2005 we can read:

One of the missions of La Ermita – The Hermitage is to try to unite again the Church of Peter and the Church of John. They were one at the time of Pentecost, but centuries have divided them. The Church of Peter, having become too ritualistic, needs the love and warmth of contemplative prayer and the gifts of the Spirit of the Church of John, and the Church of John needs some of the boundaries of the Church of Peter. They will be united when they return to be the Church of Pentecost. When we bring our love and devotion to the Church’s Liturgy and Sacraments we help restore that unity. That is part of our work. Be careful, however. Love is neither pushy nor demanding. The salt and light work gently. Love always respects where the other is.

Let us continue to work for Sophia, that all may be one in Love.

The so-called "Church of John"--the Johannite Church--is the church of the Gnostic heresy. This, then, is another gospel.

June 12, 2005:

We of La Ermita have come to know that our Father, Sophia and Jesus are only Love. Jesus was known to be a friend of sinners. He sent Sophia, the Holy Spirit, to all so that they too could know and experience Them as the God of Love. They are all compassionate, all forgiving, all forgetting, all loving. There is no way They can be vindictive, aggressive, revengeful, punishing, or demanding that we pay the debt. All these characteristics belong to us. They stem from the lack of love and our inner hurt of rejection. The three Persons of the Trinity do not have to worry about justice being done. Love does not demand justice. It only forgives. If They were to treat us according to justice we would be in a big mess.

God--the God of Ted Meisner--is not a God of Justice, and by extension I assume that he is also not a God of judgment. What scripture does Meisner use to come to this conclusion?

Certainly in the sexual abuse scandal, the bishops did not follow a God of Justice. Time after time "love"--the kind of love that called no one to responsibility--was all that motivated them. La Ermita, too, is motivated by a sweet, cloying, sentimental love that calls no one to responsibility.

May 1, 2005:

Love never makes us feel imprisoned, bounded, or controlled. Love frees us to live, rejoice and dance! We need to open ourselves to loving actions whenever we feel the need or urge to do these things. We need to invite Sophia, our God of Love, to touch us with Her Love so that we can reach out to the other with Love. The very love that we share with others that will bring healing to their wounded hearts is the very love that brings healing to our wounded hearts. My brothers and sisters, let us dance with joy and love. Let it bring unity within ourselves so that it can flow out of us bringing unity in others. Let us love our Beloved Lord God and our brothers and sisters with the same love that we have for and within ourselves.

The Love message is very strong in the February 6, the January 16, and the April 24 Sunday Thoughts. There is no evidence of a balancing influence that will counteract permissiveness stemming from love.

In the June 26 Sunday Thoughts, Meisner makes clear his opinion of pre-Vatican II theology:

However, many of us lived in the pre-Vatican Church and we now know that our present Christian way of life is far more difficult than the former. When we look back at how dedicated we lived then, and how our present dedicated brothers and sisters are living their faith, we see that there was and is something out of place. The virtue of love is secondary. The primary virtue was and is obedience and faithfulness to authority, to the Word of God and to the liturgy/sacraments. No spiritual person will deny that obedience is a necessary virtue. However, when it becomes by emphasis the primary virtue, it carries with it a hidden element of vainglory and pride. It creates a system of “we” verse “them.” And it will have behind its facade of virtue a pushy and demanding attitude that flows, not from compassionate love, but from the unseen pride of self-righteousness within.

Rules and obedience to rules are not his idea of what it means to be religious. Being concerned about how we relate to others so as not to hurt them is a primary entry in the examination of conscience in Meisner's theology. It would seem, in light of the above quoted passage, that his version of love would never remind someone that their actions were sinful since that would hurt them.

The June 5 Sunday Thoughts places Ted Meisner in the charismatic movement.

we have become aware that more dioceses in the United States are now turning over the parishes to lay persons because of the lack of priests. We have also realized that there is a tremendous exodus of Catholics from church. Their reasons for leaving are many. But we do not believe that these people have dropped the Lord out of their lives. Some have joined other churches. Some have not. It would seem to us that the greater part of our mission is to reach out to those who are no longer attending church. We need to invite them to come and share with us in our homes, to be a part of our community. If they are drawn to remain, we ought to pray over them for the “baptism of the Holy Spirit” so that Pentecost comes a living experience for them.

We come together for the breaking of bread in two ways: breaking open the scriptures to feed the spirit and breaking bread in remembrance of the Lord. The former is done by spending time in contemplative prayer and then sharing with each other what was learned and experienced with the Lord. The latter is a simple ceremony in which bread and wine is taken, broken and shared with each other. We are not playing “priest.” The Mass is for the ordained. What we do here is simply in remembrance of the Lord. We do not claim that the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus. What we do, we do with reverence and prayer, because it is done in remembrance of Him. As a result we spend time in silent prayer after partaking of the bread and wine.

With time, it is our fervent hope and desire that those who join us will eventually be able to return to the celebration of the Sunday Liturgy in church. This will be our little way of helping to bring renewal to the churches. Renewal is in the heart through a spiritual life of love, and eventually intimate love for the Persons of the Trinity.

On July 3 Meisner offers theology that sets up a dichotomy between asceticism and mysticism, and recommends that the former be abandoned in favor of the latter:

The ascetical way has a built in problem in so far as I, the one rowing, am choosing and doing the work of purification. Since I am constantly doing penance, mortification, prayer, etc., this can easily lead me into a hidden pride because my emphasis is on willpower. Control and fear are the biggest obstacles to spiritual growth. The mystical way, on the other hand, does not depend on my control. Neither is the purification of my sinfulness chosen by me. That is all under the direction of the Holy Spirit. All I have to do is surrender to the present moment that is producing a problem or conflict, and let the love within me bring about the solution. Conflicts are accepted as moments to love rather than moments to repress or control. Love draws one into daily contemplative prayer, and this form of prayer is constantly leading one into the healing of their fears and controlling elements within.

Are sinful inclinations to be repressed in Meisner's theology, or is an all-pervasive sentimental love to take the place of repression and control? When conflicts occur and we resolve them with sentiment, what will guide our actions if our inclination is toward sexual sin, particularly in this culture which equates sex with love? If this contemplative prayer heals the contemplative of controlling elements, is Meisner preaching the "Love and do what thou wilt" gospel of Aleister Crowley?

This daily contemplative prayer that love draws us into, is it to be regulated by doctrine? Are we to discern the spirit speaking to us in terms of the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church? If not, what guidelines and boundaries are we to use in discerning this contemplation?

If it isn't already obvious, the screwed up nature of Sophia theology is made quite clear on April 10:

We of La Ermita have come to know the Holy Spirit as the feminine part of the Godhead who wishes to be known as Sophia, a person equal to the Father and the Son....

Rose, our president, said one day in a discussion group, "Sophia is to the Holy Spirit what Jesus is to the Son of God."...this Sophia must be an angelic creature, the first created of all the angels. Jesus as a human being belongs to human creation. Both have two natures, one divine and the other created. Yet for both there is only the one person united with the two natures. Both are Divine and creature at the same time. No other created being is like this. Therefore, Jesus is truly the Son of God, and Sophia is truly the Holy Spirit. Knowing Sophia, the first angelic creature, who is also the Holy Spirit, is similar to knowing Jesus as the created man and who is also the Son of God.

Wow! The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is really just an angel. You've read it here folks!

On July 17 Meisner talks about the imposition of hands and praying for the gifts of Sophia, the Holy Spirit. He argues that these charisms are a sign that the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church in the 21st century and that the lack of these charisms would indicate that Christ had withdrawn from creation. It does appear that the Christ of the Roman Catholic Church has withdrawn from Meisner's theology.

On January 30 he indicates that there is:

tremendous hope for Bolivia because the Charismatic Renewal and the Cursillo Movement are alive and growing. La Ermita and other spirituality movements are also present. All these groups have one primary objective, namely, to bring the healing power of the Holy Spirit into the daily life of the faithful, making it possible for them to love. These gifts also make the work of the Church, its administration of the sacraments and Liturgy, an experiential reality of the Love of our Father.

Let us pray that the new Pentecost already begun will continue to grow rapidly in Bolivia. In this way, her inner spirit will shine forth in beauty just as the material growth of the country is shining forth. May she, one of the poorest countries, become a glowing example for all the world in how the Kingdom of this world becomes the Kingdom of the Father.

If you want to recruit for the other Gospel, the Gospel of the Gnostic heresy, it helps to recruit among uneducated people such as migrant workers in Georgia or the poor and uneducated of Bolivia, who will not have the knowledge to challenge your theology. It is much more likely that the uneducated will be willing to accept these "gifts" of the Holy Spirit. July 24:

When this gift enters our lives we experience the greatest of truths as little children. Our groping around, looking for it, while still filled with the miraculous cloud of the presence of the Spirit, it is not by accident that the gift of tongues, which is to speak unintelligibly as a child, may be the first gift received and experienced.

Baltimore Catechism, #446: "Through the coming of the Holy Ghost the Apostles received the 'gift of tongues,' by which they could be understood in every language, though they preached in only one."

#447: "Such wonderful gifts accompanied Confirmation in the first ages of the Church to prove the power, truth and divine character of Christianity to those who otherwise might not believe, and to draw the attention of all to the establishment of the Christian Church."

#448: These signs are not continued everywhere at the present time, because now that the Church is fully established and its divine character and power proved in other ways, such signs are no longer necessary."

Catechism of the Council of Trent, p. 158: "For some time in the beginning of the Church, whenever these Sacraments were administered by the Apostles, the same miraculous effects were witnessed, and they ceased only when the faith had acquired maturity and strength."

Ted assures us on July 8 (which is designated July 10 in the index) that:

The word of knowledge, visions and revelations that are not discerned and administered properly can lead one astray, becoming a false prophet. That was the error of the Gnostics centuries ago

just in case someone might have heard about Gnosticism and recognizes it in his teachings. There doesn't appear to have been much discernment going on when he was formulating his Sunday Thoughts.

Is he a channeler? He might be. On June 19 he admits that:

There is not doubt that some one has entered into our life that was not there before. As we begin to contemplate the question, “Who are you?” an answer soon follows. “I Am Wisdom.” We immediately know this Wisdom-person is some one that sees and understands us better than even ourselves.

It seems that according to the May 22 Thoughts, Fr. Anthony DeMello, S.J. is one of his mentors.

All of that distorted doctrine is contained in the first seven months of 2005. (I have not yet looked at his 2004 theology.) It boggles the mind!

How common is this other gospel in South America where Pentecostalism has grown exponentially? Does a continent that once belonged to Christ now belong to the Gnostic Christ? It is spreading here. This community of La Ermita is located in Georgia.

On a side note, Ted Meisner made some comments in tribute to Matthew Shepard at this website. Does this reveal anything about Meisner that might be applied to his theology and the sexual abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church?

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Monday, July 25, 2005


While surfing Peter Koenig's website I came upon this page describing the "Programme of Construction and the Guiding Principles of the Gnostic Neo-Christians O.T.O." published in 1920. There you can read these passages:

Mankind, tortured by the World War, needs a new faith, a new
Christianity, and a new civilization built upon it.

That the much praised European civilization and the Christian Church
were unable to prevent the cruelties of this World War or the greed and
hatred of the peace that was meant to end this world war, this alone is
sufficient proof, that Christianity as it reigns to-day, and modern
civilization it created, are no longer capable of living, and must be
replaced by a new Christianity and a new civilization.

That sentiment must have been common in Europe after the First World War because Rudolf Steiner expressed similar sentiments and helped to found churches that promote Anthroposophy called The Christian Community.

Some of the principles outlined in the O.T.O. Programme of Construction were surprising in light of the Roman Catholic debates over sexual education in the Catholic schools, and the frustration of parents who believe their children's morals are being corrupted by this curriculum. The Programme tells us:

The Master Therion says: The act of love consummated with overflowing
energy, under control of the Will, is the "Act of God", a "sacramental
act", is "In-God-with-God-at-onement". A man to whom it was granted to
unite with God, under control of Will, in the godly, sacramental
love-act, is a channel for the deity. Yet, says Liber Legis: "Although
much is said in the law of highest Love, of enthusiastic, yielding,
selfless, flaming, fiery, overflowing, love, there is no word about
sentimental love". This also one has to ripen within oneself. Because
the results are seen in a 1000 channels of earthly, daily life; they
contribute to beautify it; they build a bridge to "Art". Love alone
makes life bearable, Life, - otherwise so cold and often cruel....

Youth must look upon the sexual organs as something holy right from
early childhood. Their functions must be explained to boys and girls as
"holy actions", as soon as the mother notices that the sexual forces
are beginning to appear. These doctrines must be given out by parents
in the most natural manner from earliest childhood. And in school, men
and women doctors, instead of the present teachers of religion, will
exercise priestly office and teach doctrines with scientific basis as
"teachings for this life". On the foundation laid by these
physiologists (priestly doctors) the "teachings for the Other life"
will be then given by doctors of the soul (spiritual priests).

At the moment it is the other way around. From the earliest childhood
children are crammed with otherworldly teachings and religious fables,
which collapse completely which the child grows up, because the adult
finds that they do not represent facts. This belated discovery produces
a struggle in developed people, which brings an immense amount of
unhappiness and misfortune for all that were misled in this fashion.
People less advanced become liars and hypocrites, which encourages
moral catastrophes and h as consequences such as we now have to witness
at the end of the war. Therefore new morals have become essential. In
future the doctor-priest, under the parents' supervision, will teach
children from earliest youth that the sex organs are holy, and that
they have to be particularly guarded and protected, because in actions
which later on be done through these organs, invisible God will make
himself manifest to Man. Because this act, accomplished with these
organs, is a repetition on earth of God's original act of creation, in
which God reveals himself to us, works through us, and through whose
execution we always re new our union with God, and constantly create
new beings, according to His will and command, "in his image".

Fr. Rolheiser, call your office.

In my daughter's parochial school, the public health nurse taught sex education classes to the fifth grade. I sat in on one, discovered that the Catholic perspective on sexuality was not being given, and took my daughter out of the classes. I have to wonder how this occult concept preached by the Gnostic Catholic Church made its way into my daughter's Catholic school. Granted it was not a doctor who taught it, but a Public Health nurse was almost the equivalent. Could be coincidence, someone is going to say.

The Gnostic Catholic Church was founded by Jules Doinel according to the History of the church by T. Apiryon. It was derived out of spirit commuication that took place during a seance:

Doinel had long been associated with Lady Caithness, who was a prominent figure in the French Spiritist circles of the time, a disciple of Anna Kingsford, and leader of the French branch of the Theosophical Society. She considered herself a reincarnation of Mary Stuart; and interestingly, a Spiritist communication in 1881 had foreshadowed to her a revolution in religion which would result in a "New Age of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit." Doinel's Gnostic seances were attended by other notable occultists of various sects; including the Abbé Roca, an Ex-Catholic Priest and close associate of Stanislas de Guaita and Oswald Wirth. Communications from the spirits were generally received by means of a pendulum suspended by Lady Caithness over a board of letters.

At one seance, Doinel received the following communication:

"I address myself to you because you are my friend, my servant and the prelate of my Albigensian Church. I am exiled from the Pleroma, and it is I whom Valentinus named Sophia-Achamôth. It is I whom Simon Magus called Helene-Ennoia; for I am the Eternal Androgyne. Jesus is the Word of God; I am the Thought of God. One day I shall remount to my Father, but I require aid in this; it requires the supplication of my Brother Jesus to intercede for me. Only the Infinite is able to redeem the Infinite, and only God is able to redeem God. Listen well: The One has brought forth One, then One. And the Three are but One: the Father, the Word and the Thought. Establish my Gnostic Church. The Demiurge will be powerless against it. Receive the Paraclete."

"A revolution in religion which would result in a "New Age of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit", and the name "Sophia" all brought forth in a channeled communication. They were prophetic. Today the revolution of Pentecostalism has spread around the globe. The Paraclete has been received by a great many.

According to Webb, Doinel abandoned the Gnostic Catholic Church and returned to the Roman Catholic Church for a five-year period near the end of his life. During that period he was involved with Leo Taxil and wrote a book under the pseudonym of Jean Kotska. The book was titled LUCIFER DEMASQUE. It attacked occultism in general and in particular his own Gnostic Catholic Church. Leo Taxil is credited with writing the fraudulent "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." (James Webb, THE OCCULT ESTABLISHMENT, Chapter 4) Whether Doinel's accusations are any more reliable than Taxil's probably cannot be determined. In any event, he reverted and was readmitted to the Gnostic Catholic Church before his death.

The French Rosicrucian Movement incorporates that same information on Doinel in its history at this website.

I tried Googling "Our Lady of the Holy Spirit" to see what would come up.

This did. There in the mission statement of La Ermita - The Hermitage, Inc. you can read:

La Ermita formally came into existence December 27, 1994 when its founder rededicated his life to Sophia, the Holy Spirit, before the Abbot of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery and some members and friends. He is known as a hermit in the marketplace, a man who desires to integrate, well, the life of contemplative prayer with daily living in a world of work and problems.

La Ermita is dedicated to proclaiming the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, as the Divine Feminine of the Godhead, equal to the Father and the Son. She is the Spouse of the Father and the Mother of the Son, as well as the Divine Mother of the man Jesus. In order that She be accepted more fully as a Person of the Trinity, She wishes to be known as Sophia. La Ermita is also dedicated to help all experience a personal and intimate relationship with each of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity, the Father, Sophia and Jesus.

There is no name on the webpage. I found the index for the website where the "brothers and sisters" link took me right back to the mission statement. The "Sophia, the Holy Spirit" link is interesting. Hard to say what religion is being promoted there exactly. It purports to be Catholic but the Catholicism certainly has a unique twist reminiscent of the Gnostic Catholic Church.

I did notice that the icon by Robert Lentz is "used with permission." Lentz is Catholic.

Scan the titles of the links at the bottom. "The Holy Spirit as Feminine", "Sophia & Mary, Are They One?", "Holy Spirit/Divine Feminine", "The Feminine Gender of the Holy Spirit", "Our Cosmic Mother, Wisdom". This is another gospel.

They have a radio program.

The second index webpage showcases another Catholic iconographer, Fr. John Giuliani, who has also given permission to use his image on this website.

I found the DVD and Audio CD webpage where there was an address. This organization is located in Macon, Georgia.

The "Sex and Spirituality" webpage seems to indicate that they are soft on masturbation, and on extramarital and homosexual sex:

Likewise, a single man caressing tenderly, even sexually, his friend, sharing his love and respect for that person, sharing actions that are truly loving, actions that are not manipulative and controlling, is using his body as instrument of sharing love. If these actions are sharing love, then the law cannot forbid them. The law cannot forbid the sharing of love, provided that the person receiving the love is open to receive it.

When sexual actions, be they with self or with others, are accepted in the heart as instruments of love, then one is open to a growth that will be deep and profound. When one shares love on this level, doors of fears, hurts and anger are opened - doors that lead to these fears and hurts which do not want to be accepted and embraced in healing love. It is precisely these fears and hurts that push us into abusive acts or into expressing conditional love.

Why the blue ribbon? This is their explanation. Is it the same as this blue ribbon? There's really no way to tell.

I did finally find the owner of the website. His name is Ted Meisner. Ted offers us his own particular variety of spirituality:

According to Scripture this is the age of Sophia, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine. To me, Her work in our era began with Pentecost. She was to replace Jesus. However, the church got stuck on Jesus, and kept him as the main focus because of the male superiority. I believe She is coming at this time to take her rightful place in our lives and that of Church and Society.

I also believe that She has in a way incarnated Herself in Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Well, it's certainly not Roman Catholic!

If you want to know more about what Ted Meisner and his friend Burl Hall believe, click the links at the bottom of the website. It's quite an education. That "Angel of the Grail" art by Pamela Mathews displays a goddess, with the dove above and the chalice below. Quite an image. Pamela Mathews' goddess art can be seen at the link for "yogalifestyle" at the bottom of Burl Hall's website.

Don't miss the links here. It looks a lot more like Gnostic Catholic Church than it does like Roman Catholic Church., and I believe it violates the First Commandment. There was no further indication of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery in the webpages I visited. I didn't see any references to channeling or to seances, but those ideas are coming from somewhere. They do talk about "contemplation" quite a lot.


A reader happened to notice that Tan2day posted some comments in a thread on women's ordination in Amy Welborn's website (You have to scroll down quite far to read them.). I found them interesting, and thought the rest of you might as well. Here's what Tan had to say:

{{{{{ "Women Priests in the Early Church

In the year 494, women’s participation in the leadership of small communities came to an end when Pope Gelasius decreed that women could no longer be ordained to the priesthood. This legislation is perhaps the strongest proof we have of women serving as spiritual leaders in the early Church. Women’s roles in the church diminished as popes and bishops marched in lockstep with the Roman authorities." }}}}

Apparently, things were not always as clear cut as they are presented today....

Posted by: Tan2Day at July 24, 2005 05:06 PM

Of course, we know that "women are just not competant too, from Gelasius...

{{{{ Pope Gelasius I, 494 AD, on women serving at the altar

“Nevertheless we have heard with impatience that disrespect for sacred things have come to this level that even women are tolerated to administer at the sacred altars and that a sex which is not competent deals with all the matters which have been entrusted only to the service of men.”

Letter to the bishops of Lucania, in J. D. Mansi, Sacrorum consiliorum nova et amplissima collectio (Paris, 1901ff. ), vol. 8.44, cap. 26. Accordingly the liturgical ministry of women is considered to be disrespectful of divine, holy “things. ”

Spoken like a true male chauvinist pig...hehehe.

Posted by: Tan2Day at July 24, 2005 05:13 PM


From Catholic World News:

New Delhi, Jul. 25 (CWNews.com) - Church leaders in India have decried the arrest of a Catholic priest who now faces charges under a new state law restricting religious conversions.

Father P. T. Thomas was arrested on July 21, in the Madhya Pradesh state, and charged with promising admission to a local Catholic school, and waiver of fees, for Hindu families who embraced Christianity. Father Thomas has been released on bail pending trial.


For days I've been trying to access www.apparitions.org and cannot get in. That is the website I've always used to check the status of various apparitions. Can anyone else access it?

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I'm still trying to figure out what he thought he was doing...?

We had a visiting priest from the home missions today who gave the homily. We had a different visiting priest who said Mass, and our pastor gave a short...uhm....announcement, I guess, before Mass began.

Anyway, after the Gospel, the first visiting priest gave a very brief introduction of the visiting missionary priest from the pulpit, and then stepped down. The visiting missionary priest stepped out into the sanctuary from the sacristy and bowed to the congregation. He ignored the tabernacle completely. He gave his talk, and then he stepped down from the pulpit and once again bowed to the congregation, ignored the tabernacle, and went back into the sacristy. Our pastor never ignores the tabernacle. He always makes a reverent gesture of some sort when he steps into the sanctuary. So I don't get what this missioary thought he was doing by bowing to the congregation and ignoring the tabernacle.

Following the man-centered Gospel that finds God in the pew partner?

When communion rolled around, the usual cadre of EMs marched up to the altar to get their ciboriums. So there were two other priests available who had played some part in the Mass, but who were apparently unwilling to distribute communion. One was my pastor. The other was the missionary priest.

Meanwhile, I went to an earlier Mass today to see if all the people who used to fill the pews at the noon Mass which I usually attend had migrated to an earlier Mass. Nope, they weren't at the 10:30 either. Oh, there were more people at 10:30 Mass than have been attending the 12:00. But not enough to make up for the people who used to fill the pews at the noon Mass. I wonder where they've gone?

Father's comments in the bulletin were centered around the need to stop seeing everything that is wrong and start looking for the good in people and the Church. I expect I'm failing on both counts.


Dear Friends,

The suppressed Society of St. John has redesigned the homepage of its web site in hopes of continuing to defraud unsuspecting Catholic donors. In fact, the SSJ is once again seeking to reinvent itself so that it can rise phoenix-like from the ashes of its own self-destruction.

Here is how the SSJ is now presenting itself:

The Return to Holiness
We are a civil not-for-profit corporation open to clergy, religious and laity, seeking to work for the renewal of the Church and our civilization by helping people to access more fully the sources of Christian life. Indeed, we are convinced that the root cause of the crisis in our world is the loss of a living contact with the principles that give us God-life. Chief among them are the liturgy—the Eucharist, the other sacraments, and the Liturgy of the Hours—and the prayerful pondering of the Scriptures that tradition calls “lectio divina.”

Our first task then, is to rediscover these traditional sources, to uncover the forgotten springs of tradition and drink again their pristine, life giving waters. But we cannot stop there. Having fortified ourselves, we must seek to lead others to these springs, to guide them in contemporary language, in a language that has meaning for them in their daily lives. And, because one drink is not enough, we seek to create a way of life that both clergy and families can share in common, fully bringing these springs into their day-to-day journey towards heaven.


When I first read the SSJ's new title, "The Return to Holiness," I thought it might actually be a reference to the SSJ itself. Were the SSJ members actually going to confess their sins publicly, beg forgiveness, and then proclaim a new beginning? Certainly not. In their megalomania, the members of the SSJ are still lauding themselves as the modern world's true guides to heaven. Having wasted over five million dollars of donations from Catholic donors, having seduced and sodomized those whom they were supposed to guide, the SSJ still continues to present itself as the savior of the Church and civilization to boot. These perverts will not stop seeking new victims because "one drink is not enough" to satisfy them.

The SSJ is now poised to save the world from Paraguay rather than Pennsylvania. They claim to have a "green light" to reestablish themselves in South America. Is there a Catholic bishop in Paraguay foolish enough to allow these wolves among his sheep? And is Bishop Martino of the Diocese of Scranton willing to allow the priests of the SSJ to excardinate from Scranton so that they may incardinate in Paraguay? One would think that fear of liability of alone would give Bishop Martino pause, but the Church's track record in moving abusive priests from country to country has not been a good one. Although the SSJ as a group has been suppressed, we still have no word from the Diocese of Scranton as to the individual canonical status and fate of each clerical member of the SSJ.

The SSJ's redesigned web site reveals that the SSJ is hoping to deceive all of the people all of the time. The SSJ has not complied with Bishop Martino's decree that their web site must carry a prominent notice stating that the SSJ is no longer a recognized ecclesial entity of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet the SSJ's statement above carefully substitutes the word "Christian" for "Catholic." Hence, the SSJ appears to be trying to walk a line which is intended to appease Bishop Martino while simultaneously deceiving supporters, both old and new, by means of posted pictures of Bishop Timlin ordaining one of their own, as well as a picture of Carlos Urrutigoity pontificating while dressed in collar and cassock. The name of the game is ambiguity, which has always been the SSJ's bread and butter.

If the SSJ manages to begin anew in South America, this sodomite cult will have come full circle. As most of you will remember, Carlos Urrutigoity, the SSJ's founder, was expelled from the SSPX seminary in La Reja, Argentina for his homosexual behavior. He then fled to Winona, Minnesota where he was given a second chance by the SSPX authorities there. Having been subsequently expelled from Winona for insubordination, Urrutigoity made his way to the Diocese of Scranton where Bishop Timlin admitted Urrutigoity and his entourage because Timlin liked the look of their posteriors. Now, suppressed and disgraced in Scranton, Urrutigoity and his fruity followers have made their way back to South America. If they are allowed to incardinate there, can there be any doubt that the SSJ will eventually reappear in North America as a group of Catholic priests in good standing?

We will keep you posted as the SSJ saga continues.

Pax vobiscum,

Dr. Jeffrey M. Bond


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