
Monday, July 25, 2005


A reader happened to notice that Tan2day posted some comments in a thread on women's ordination in Amy Welborn's website (You have to scroll down quite far to read them.). I found them interesting, and thought the rest of you might as well. Here's what Tan had to say:

{{{{{ "Women Priests in the Early Church

In the year 494, women’s participation in the leadership of small communities came to an end when Pope Gelasius decreed that women could no longer be ordained to the priesthood. This legislation is perhaps the strongest proof we have of women serving as spiritual leaders in the early Church. Women’s roles in the church diminished as popes and bishops marched in lockstep with the Roman authorities." }}}}

Apparently, things were not always as clear cut as they are presented today....

Posted by: Tan2Day at July 24, 2005 05:06 PM

Of course, we know that "women are just not competant too, from Gelasius...

{{{{ Pope Gelasius I, 494 AD, on women serving at the altar

“Nevertheless we have heard with impatience that disrespect for sacred things have come to this level that even women are tolerated to administer at the sacred altars and that a sex which is not competent deals with all the matters which have been entrusted only to the service of men.”

Letter to the bishops of Lucania, in J. D. Mansi, Sacrorum consiliorum nova et amplissima collectio (Paris, 1901ff. ), vol. 8.44, cap. 26. Accordingly the liturgical ministry of women is considered to be disrespectful of divine, holy “things. ”

Spoken like a true male chauvinist pig...hehehe.

Posted by: Tan2Day at July 24, 2005 05:13 PM

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