
Monday, September 22, 2008


See yesterday's blog for the details on the costs being charged to the Portland, Maine Latin Mass group, including rent for the church. These charges appear to me to be levied with the hope of undermining the Latin Mass community in Portland.

I did a little digging to see what would turn up in the Diocese of Portland. Bolding in the following text is mine.

At the Diocesan website I found that the Bishop is Richard Malone. He was installed in March of 2004. He was prepared for the priesthood at St. John Seminary, Boston and received his Doctorate in Theology at Boston University. He was on the faculty of St. John Seminary in 1979.

He was ordained May 20th 1972 by Cardinal Humberto Medeiros.

Boston is notorious for being the center of sexual abuse. I wondered if Portland was somehow implicated in Boston's mess given what appears to me to be antipathy toward the TLM in Portland.

Randy Engel's well-documented tome THE RITE OF SODOMY: HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH contributes the following:

The unusual numbers of criminal pederasts coming out of St. John's Seminary deserves at least a brief comment. As noted earlier on (sic) this chapter, after Cardinal O'Connell replaced all the Sulpicians priests at St. John's Seminary in 1910 with diocesan priests, the scholastic reputation and moral complexion of the seminary began to suffer. With O'Connell in Boston followed by Cardinals Cushing and Medeiros...during the late 1930s through the 1970s, St. John's began to attract an inordinate number of homosexual candidates for the priesthood. (p. 699)

Approximately 150 men turned up at the invitation only affair organized by Reeves. As [Rev. Enrique T.] Rueda has observed, not only did the [Unitarian] church provide the site for a conference on a prosecutable crime, but Reverend Robert Whentley from the national office of the Unitarian Church addressed the assembly of pederasts and pedophiles along with Father Paul Shanley, Cardinal Medeiros's representative for the Boston Archdiocese's Office for Outreach to Sexual Minorities. (p. 450-451)

When Steve Brady made his initial contact with St. Sebastian's Angels in the fall of 1999, the webmaster was Fr. John Harris, pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sabattus, Maine in the Diocese of Portland under Bishop Joseph Gerry. Gerry...ordered Harris to shut down the St. Sebastian's Angels operation. Harris ignored the order....

When Harris returned from his leave of absence with a recommendation from St. Luke's [Institute in Maryland for abusive priests] that he be reinstated, Bishop Gerry awarded him a plum assignment at Our Lady of the Lakes....

...a sexual misconduct charge had surfaced against Harris. The diocese had not yet completed its investigation when Harris debarked for parts unknown....

As of September 2003, the diocese of Portland has kept Father Harris' whereabouts secret. He remains on leave of absence.

In addition to Harris, Bishop Gerry also had to deal with two other St. Sebastian's Angels from the Portland Diocese...
(pp 744-745)

In 1970, when the Portuguese prelate Humberto Cardinal Medeiros replaced Cardinal Cushing as the head of the Boston Archdiocese, Shanley received permission to launch his own Roxbury Street ministry based at St. Philip's Church for wayward youth including runaways, drifters and young "gays." (p. 864)

Shanley went through three cardinals. He is currently on his fourth:

* Richard Cardinal Cushing (1944-1970)
* Humberto Cardinal Medeiros (1970-1983)
* Bernard Cardinal Law (1983-2002)

(p. 866)

Leon J. Podles, speaking of the succession of bishops in Boston in his book SACRILEGE: SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH claims:

In Boston the predecessors were Cardinals Medeiros (against whom an accusation has been made)... (p. 156)

Speaking of the openly homosexual climate in seminaries, Podles writes:

This atmosphere was common in seminaries and continued in some at least until very recently. Christopher Schiavone, who was in St. John's Seminary in Boston in the 1980s, remembered that "some of us found refuge in a campy, secret subculture poor in genuine emotional intimacy but rich in the bitchy humor for which we gay men are 'Will & Grace' infamous. We had women's names for one another, and for some of our teachers. We trashed each other's style of dress and gossiped among ourselves about who was 'going out' with whom." (pp 323-324)

Paul Likoudis also speaks of Boston's St. John's Seminary in his book AMCHURCH COMES OUT: THE U.S. BISHOPS, PEDOPHILE SCANDALS AND THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA:

Another indication was the late 1990s seminary experience of Paul Sinsigalli, who graduated from the Archdiocese of Boston's St. John's Seminary in 1999... he was advised he would never be allowed to serve as a priest anywhere in the country because he held an unprogressive view about homosexual acting out in the seminary.

"I was studying at St. John's Seminary in Boston and was told that I did not have the qualities required to be a priest. They said that I lacked leadership, intellectual ability, and emotional maturity, among other things. When I asked them to explain where these traits were exhibited they merely repeated the oft heard mantra: 'It's the consensus of the faculty,' and then would not defend or cite examples..."
(pp 58-59)

That would be the same seminary in which Portland's Bishop Malone was educated and the same seminary where he served on the faculty. Bishop Malone has served as Auxiliary Bishop of Boston.

All of these dots are circumstantial. They establish that there is or was a homosexual network in the Boston Archdiocese with a bleed-over into Portland. None of the persons associated with this economic burden placed on the TLM community may have any connection to that network. Or then again they might. You be the judge.

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