
Thursday, June 26, 2008


St. Casimir Catholic Church will have its final Mass on Sunday, but parishioners won’t allow the regional bishop and other clergy to attend.

Parishioners voted recently to not allow Bishop John A. Dooher, the Rev. Allan Butler, administrator for St. Casimir Church, and the Rev. Francis J. Clougherty, regional vicar and pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, to attend the final Mass at the church, said the church’s cantor, Maryte Bizinkauskas.

“We ask that they don’t show up because we just don’t want them there,” Bizinkauskas said Wednesday.

“They’re the manufacturers of this closing,” she said. “They were instrumental in the closing, and we as a parish community feel strongly that we don’t want them there.”

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Feelings over parishes run deep. Having it close is like being thrown out of your family home. It's difficult to make the break. Once the break is made, loyalty to a parish may never be possible again for some Catholics.

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