
Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Catholic sisters who lived in Eastern Europe under communist rule from 1945-90 were terrorized, removed from their homes, forced to do manual labor and imprisoned for practicing their religion. Yet, they remained true to their vows.

"The Catholic Church was a special target for liquidation,'' said Sister Margaret Nacke. "...Since we sisters are public representatives of the Church, we were some of the first targets.''

And despite the fact their religion was forbidden, women continued through four decades to join these religious orders in Eastern Europe, practicing their faith in secret and always in fear of being discovered by the communists....

With the working title "Sister Survivors of European Communism,'' the one-hour documentary is being filmed by New Group Media from South Bend, Ind., and is expected to be completed in December. Officials hope to eventually broadcast it on public television. Nacke and Savoie brought a 6 1/2-minute trailer of the documentary with them as part of a PowerPoint presentation they showed to the Sisters of St. Basil the Great and local media. They have been speaking to religious orders and historical societies throughout the country.

Read all of it...

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