Tuesday, June 24, 2008
St. Louis Catholic reports:
The St. Cronan website is currently promoting an event called the "Pre-Pride Fest Interfaith Kickoff Service", which will be held at the Central Reform Congregation. A description of the event:
Kick off Pride Fest weekend with an interfaith service affirming our commitment to full inclusion for members of our community who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Hosted by CRC and our friends from Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) of Greater St. Louis.
Pride Fest, as you probably know, is the yearly celebration of those who are afflicted with same-sex attraction and a tool for the advancement of a social and political agenda that is contrary to natural law. Those who have been reasonably sentient in St. Louis since November 2007 will also recall that the Central Reform Congregation is led by Rabbi Susan Talve.
Rabbi Talve decided to host the pretend ordinations of Elsie McGrath and Rose Hudson, despite the request from Archbishop Burke to refrain from doing so.
Rabbi Talve was invited by St. Cronan to lead an Advent vespers service, and held the event outside the Church building after Archbishop Burke asked the parish leadership to disinvite her, and further after Archbishop Burke had announced that the Church would no longer cooperate in joint events with her due to her failure to respect the request that she not undermine His Grace's efforts to shepherd the flock entrusted to him. Sr. Louise Lears participated in this service, which was covered on local television, and which was widely seen as a protest against the Archbishop. The event was also attended by pretend priests Hudson and McGrath.