
Friday, May 23, 2008


Chapter 10 is titled "The Religions of Scotland: Did Presbyterianism Have Crypto-Jewish Origins?" Hirschman and Yates write:

This book began with a provocatie idea: Scotland is, or was, Jewish. The previous chapters have explored the Jewish ancestry and culture of some of Scotland's leading families and much of her population. We now present an equally unlikely thesis, which we nonetheless believe is correct: that the origins of the Protestant Reformation and especially the particular form it took in Scotland - Presbyterianism - also lie in Judaic influences. Both authors of this investigation were not only told growing up that we were of Scottish origin, but we were also raised in the Protestant faith. Just as we subsequently discovered that our "Scottish" roots were not Celtic, but Sephardic and French Jewish, so also were we led to question the traditional origins of Scottish Protestantism.

...Scotland began as a pagan country, Druidic, worshiping nature and the sun. And then, around 560 C.E. St. Columba (Columcille, born around 521, died 597) arrived from Ireland, established the first Christian monastery at Iona and began converting the surrounding countryside to Christianity. Ostensibly, the entire land was then won over to Roman Catholicism and remained loyal to that form of Christianity until John Knox and other reformers led Scotland to Protestantism in the 1560s.
(p. 192)

...Donald Meek, professor of Celtic Studies at the University of Aberdeen, has suggested that the great bulk of what we think we know about the Celtic church is a romantic construction, the creation of poets like the eighteenth century "Ossian" and, more recently, of "feel-good" Celticists" and New Age enthusiasts....

Moreover, the term "Celtic" lay dormant from antiquity until it was revived by the Humanist George Buchanan, the tutor to Mary Queen of Scots and later to her son, the future James I of England...the label itself is a misconception, and recent critics have even withdrawn the use of the word "church" from the phrase "Celtic church" on the grounds that it implies a hierarchy and organization that never existed....

As for the underlying paganism that both Judaism and Christianity fought, forms of nature worship such as the Green Man fertility cult can be found in castles and kirks across Scotland.
(p. 193)

The Celtic church had its own priests and religious practices, which...corresponded more closely to Judaic customs and beliefs than to the Roman rite. Culdean priests continued to officiate in Scotland at most churches well into the 1200s. (p. 194)

The authors provide a list of known bishops and archbishops of St. Andrews Cathedral. Among them are Chuldee/Celtic religious leaders. Some, the authors claim, are Hebrew and Crypto-Jewish families (p. 195).

Hirschman and Yates propose a question:

Could it not be more than merely fortuitous that the Protestant Reformation sprang from those very countries to which Sephardim fled - France, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, England and Scotland?...

We propose that the Reformation, beyond being a movement
against Catholicism, should also be seen as a movement toward Judaism. (p. 200)

The authors delve into this theory in more detail including the banning of Catholicism from Scotland under Knox's leadership. They write:

Knox also urged the adoption of Mosaic law as the governing rule of Scotland. Under it, "certain crimes [including] murder, blasphemy, adultery, perjury and idolatry" would be punishable by death. He further proposed that Scotland create a universal system of education so that every individual in the population would be literate and able to read the scriptures; he also envisaged a universal charity system to care for the indigent, ill and disabled. All three of these concepts are rooted in Judaic tradition, not in Christianity. Knox described the resulting society as one in which events on Earth would mirror those in Heaven - a metaphor which Marshall attributed to St. Augustine, but which could just as easily, and more immediately, be derived from the Cabalistic tradition in France. In Knox's view, Scotland was "a new Israel dedicated to upholding God's law". (p. 203-204)

Those Mosaic laws discussed are the Noahide Laws that are being proposed for Western civilization today, and the prohibition against idolatry will not accommodate Jesus Christ. Regarding the claim that charity belongs to Judaism, not to Christianity, is not quite sustainable given the words Jesus spoke while on Earth. Charity has been a bedrock foundation of Christianity since its inception. I will concede it may have been brought over from Judaism given that Jesus Christ was Jewish in His human form.

The authors conclude the chapter with this:

So, can we prove that either John Calvin or John Knox were of Marrano descent? No. But we can sum up our case by pointing to the perponderance of the evidence, which suggests that their ancestors were Jewish and that they, themselves, were aware of this. If we are correct in this inference, then perhaps the ultimate irony is that the Spanish Inquisition - intended to crush Judaism and send Spain's Sephardim into ignominious exile - actually had the opposite effect. The displaced Jews, like so many tiny floating seeds from a milkweed pod, landed on fertile ground in Holland, France, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, and England, where they grew into the Protestant Reformation. (p. 2004)

It's rather a mind-boggling proposition!

Turn for a moment to the website of Barry Chamish where you can read:

Rabbi Antelman traces the means of the worldwide reach of this ugliness. By the 1770s, the Illuminatti was exposed and banned in Germany and then throughout Europe. Weishaupt made a strategic change that worked miracles for the international spread of his goals. He infiltrated agents into the Freemasonic lodges of England and Scotland, changing their highest tenets to his own, until every lodge in every nation accepted them. Thus, the Illuminatti now had two centers of activity, Germany and Britain. It was from Germany to London that the apostate Jews Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were sent to devise the rot of communism. Shortly after that task was done, the Rothschilds sent their agents John Jacob Astor and Jacob Schiff from Germany to America. They financed the robber barons like Rockefeller and Morgan, who in 1922, founded the Council On Foreign Relations, to overthrow the American constitution and switch the nation's diplomacy to Illuminattiism.

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