Tuesday, May 13, 2008
For three decades, students at elite Chaminade High School in Mineola could receive Communion during a 15-minute "Communion Service" just before lunch.
But that practice will end following a pastoral letter Bishop William Murphy is releasing today prohibiting Catholic schools, parishes and other institutions from distributing Holy Communion at most non-Mass events.
Several schools and parishes who take part in the practice said yesterday they would abide by the bishop's order. Some said they were nonetheless disappointed, while some church analysts such as papal biographer David Gibson suggested it was a move by Murphy to "tighten up" and crack down on nontraditional practices.
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Apparently this will extend to the communion service offered in the absence of an available priest to say weekday Masses, however it will not impact lay distribution of communion to the hospitalized and homebound. No mention is made of Sunday communion services.
Hat tip to New Oxford Review for the story.