Thursday, April 24, 2008
Spirit Daily links a story describing the homosexual activism behind the trend in Colorado to undermine the family through pro-homosexual legislation. The bottom line is money, of course, and this time it's in the hands of homosexual activist Tim Gill, described by Carrie Earll, Senior Director of Issues Analysis for Focus on the Family, as "stealth" activism.
He's under the radar. When he goes after a candidate he doesn't make homosexuality the issue. He picks something else because he knows the issue of homosexuality is still risky among the electorate."
Gill stays out of the limelight:
...his sppokesperson, and big-time gay rights organizations all refused requests from CBN News to talk about Gill.Atlantic Monthly that he has an even "larger target list in 2008".
Perhaps it's because Gill fears the spotlight could hurt his current plans.
Gill did tell
CBN News found that the New York statehouse is one of those targets.
Last fall, according to the New York Attorney General's office, Gill gave $50,000 to the New York State Democratic Senate Campaign Committee.
Here's the story.