
Sunday, April 13, 2008


Spirit & LifeĀ®
"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)

Human Life International e-Newsletter
Volume 03, Number 15 | Friday, April 11, 2008


A Mexican Roe on the Horizon?

At this writing I am able to say that HLI's pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe was a phenomenal success! The forty pilgrims spent three days in prayer and immersion in the "Guadalupe Event" and emerged as energized and transformed as I have seen any group of people. I wish to thank Ms. Anne Lotierzo and Ms. Anthaunette Hidalgo for their phenomenal work in organizing the myriad logistical details of such a trip and made it possible for the rest of us to pray! I also want to thank the more than 240 people who submitted prayer intentions to last week's Spirit and LifeĀ®. We got every single one of them, even those who wrote at the last minute, and all were duly offered through Our Lady to the Throne of Grace.

The highlight of the trip for most of the pilgrims was easily the few hours spent praying a Rosary in front of the most notorious abortion hospital in Mexico City. For those who don't know, the extreme leftist Mexico City government legalized abortion on demand in the Federal District last year and put the whole force of government behind the business of killing. HLI's pro-life allies in Mexico, the National Pro-Life Committee, estimate that there were some 6400 abortions in the city this year alone with at least 22 injuries and eight deaths. This is utterly revolting for a medical procedure that is always touted as "safe" when it becomes legal. In fact, the one documented death officially recognized by the government, was of a 15-year old girl. As usual, women continue to be the victims of abortion, not its champions.

The men and women doing the sidewalk counseling that day told us the same story that we have heard in literally every country that has legalized abortion. Once legalized, the numbers of abortions jump exponentially. The women being brought into the killing center are younger and younger and are almost universally the victims of sexual abuse. Abortion is used to protect the abusers, and always helps men, not women. It preys on the vulnerable; it lies to the impressionable and makes false promises to those in situations of poverty. Worst of all, it pushes a society into an intolerable contradiction where the same institutions become battlegrounds of life and death. As we watched women entering the hospital to kill their babies, many other women were exiting through the same portal carrying their new-born babies, radiant with the hope of new life.

While the city government of Mexico City legalized abortion last year, there has been a constitutional challenge to that illegitimate law. We found out during the pilgrimage that on Friday, April 11th the case will being taken up before the Mexican Supreme Court which will debate the matter and issue its opinion probably some time within the next three months. In other words, Mexico's Roe is on the horizon and the next several months will be a matter of life and death for Mexican babies and perhaps all of Latin America.

We can only entrust this additional most urgent prayer intention to all of our readers. Please pray, in the Name of Jesus, that the Mexican Supreme Court will overturn this cruel and inhumane law and re-establish constitutional protection for all unborn children in the land of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Mexican pro-life friends are working hard on the front lines of this battle here in Mexico, and they need all of our prayers. Please join me and the whole HLI family in keeping this intention on the top of our prayer list in the next few months.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer,
President, Human Life International

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