
Saturday, April 05, 2008


For a while now many of the Catholic best sellers have been non-fiction and have discussed the sexual abuse scandal in the Church. Just maybe it's time for a change, and just maybe David Athey has the alternative.

DANNY GOSPEL is a novel with a five star Amazon rating. According to a report I received in email the storyline of the novel is as follows:

Once he'd performed in his family's gospel band, but now most of his loved ones have passed on. Still known as "Danny Gospel," he is living a quiet life as a postman in Iowa City. At the age of 25, his melancholy existence is broken open by—a dream, a vision, a sign?—a beautiful woman he is sure is his "beloved."

Like Don Quixote, Danny is a dreamer of impossible dreams. And like Dante, he must journey through pains too deep to name and emotions too raw to feel…in a quest for ultimate Love.

Maybe this could be the road out of our scandal-ridden despair...a writer with a Catholic vision who can tell a good story.

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