Saturday, April 12, 2008
The following article comes from the Washington Post and offers what to me is a surprising perspective...
Shortly after Pope Benedict XVI's election in 2005, President Bush met with a small circle of advisers in the Oval Office. As some mentioned their own religious backgrounds, the president remarked that he had read one of the new pontiff's books about faith and culture in Western Europe.
Save for one other soul, Bush was the only non-Catholic in the room. But his interest in the pope's writings was no surprise to those around him. As the White House prepares to welcome Benedict on Tuesday, many in Bush's inner circle expect the pontiff to find a kindred spirit in the president. Because if Bill Clinton can be called America's first black president, some say, then George W. Bush could well be the nation's first Catholic president.
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First Tony Blair, and now George Bush. Is this a New Springtime in the wind?
Wouldn't you love to be a mouse in the corner when President George meets Pope Benedict? Squeek squeek.