
Monday, March 03, 2008


If you call it a Catholic school, you have to abide by Catholic teachings. If you don't, you are guilty of fraud.

Another male member of the Catholic laity got involved and got results.

California Catholic Daily reports on the intended speaker for Our Lady of Guadalupe School, a far-left activist, Dolores Huerta. Parents found out when permission slips for students to attend the event were sent home. This is the same Dolores Huerta who

is the head of the far-left Dolores Huerta Foundation, the same Dolores Huerta who regularly marches in “gay pride” parades, the same Dolores Huerta who is a board member of the Feminist Majority Foundation, the same Dolores Huerta who told the Fresno Bee in 2004 that abortion “is the proper choice of every woman,” the same Dolores Huerta who received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood of America last March for helping to torpedo Proposition 85, the parental notification initiative in California, and the same Dolores Huerta who, more recently, was dis-invited as a speaker at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, when university president Robert Ivany found out about her anti-Catholic activism.

The nun responsible for inviting her pleaded innocent when a father objected, but ultimately the appearance was cancelled. As the father put it: “I’m paying for a Catholic education and that’s what I expect to get,”...“They should be teaching our children to be members of the Church Militant.”

The father contacted California Catholic Daily who contacted the nun. The conversation between them is reproduced in the article. The all important result appears at the bottom:

Thirty minutes after the interview...Sister Lujano’s secretary called to report that the event had been cancelled.

Yeah, it sure helps when the men get involved!

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