Saturday, March 15, 2008
by Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, 2002 - "Gnostic Communist Theology"
Antinomianism and nihilism in revolutionary messianic groups such as the Sabbatian Frankists is an integral part of the groups' putrid theology. The ultimate question is whether Communism,per se as a philosophy, has a theological commitment. (p. 73)
[Ernst] Block rehashed [Karl] Kautsky in propaganda form and advocated a synthesis of Chiliastic Gnostic religion with politcal Communism.
The significance of this is that the Communist has not just been saying that "religion is the opiate of the people," but is saying "my Gnostic religion is a superior theology, which is above all religions; and that it is more than a political philosophy; it is a religion with a commitment.
Close scrutiny of Communist philosophy reveals that it is an embodiment of special Gnostic principles.
Communist theology, of course, entails a study of Gnostic theology or any of its particular sects and, in fact, we have already inspected certain ones; for the Illuminati, Sabbatians and Frankists are all Gnostic. The messiahs, prophets, priests and other assorted hierarchies of these groups have been recognized in certain persistent Gnostic groups, the most outstanding members becoming canonized as Gnostic Saints. Adam Weishaupt (1748-1822), founder of the Illuminati, for example, was canonized as a saint into the "gnostic Mass". The canonization was presided over by Aleister Crowley of the Gnostic sect, the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn incorporated features of Satanism into its Gnostic system similar to devil worshipping cults.
The entire spectrum of Communist-Socialist Gnosticism was and still is reflected in Gnostic cults. Indeed, Communist Gnostic philosophies go back to ancient Greece and earlier. Gerald Meister, Professor of Theology at Maryknoll Seminary, maintains that Stalin's behavior was theologically motivated by his Gnostic convictions when he was a monk. Adolph Hitler was known to be heavily involved in Holy Grail Gnosticism and devil worship, and was active in the mysterious Gnostic satanic Thule Society.
From this theological perspective, National Socialism or Nazism and Communism were allies "to eliminate the opiate" of monotheistic religions and create a pagan-Gnostic civilization. An alliance of pagan Japan with pagan Nazi Germany, thus, becomes plausible. So does Hitler's pact with Stalin. The breaking of the pact can be considered as the start of a pagan holy war in which two Gnostic systems battle for supremacy, and the Nazi belief that it could overthrow another Gnostic order together with the world's monotheistic religions. (p. 74-76)
In Judaism, the Midrashic literature encompassing much legendary material on the Bible as well as minor randomly interspersed legendary sections of the Talmud between its major legalistic sections, initially became the repository of the tamed Gnosticism. Out of these basic writings grew a unique literature that resulted in the development of some of the finest ethical and morally influential systems on Jewish life, which even anti-Gnostic purists acknowledged had spiritual edification despite their opposition to what they considered the basic superstitious premises upon which these ethical systems were built. The Zohar is exemplary of this literature. (p. 78)
If we would attempt to catalog the most prominent conceptual aberrations of Gnosticism, our list would certainly include the following elements:
1. Satanism 2. Dualism 3. Antinomianism 4. Millennialism 5. Orgiastic sex rites 6. Witchcraft 7. Esotericism 8. Violence 9. Self-Immolation 10. Reincarnation 11. Astrology 12. Demonology 13. Necromancy 14. Double life existence 15 Secrecy 16. Asceticism 17. Anthropomorphistic Deistic Conceptions 18. Use of Hallucinogens 19. Renunciation of Property Ownership 20 Self Deification 21. Determinism 22. New Ageism
Among many Gnostic societies, most or all the above would be incorporated or accepted. (p. 80-81) was not uncommon for some members of the same Gnostic sect to indulge in promiscuous sexual behavior even to the point of actual incest while others would lead ascetic lives. (p. 81)
In the United States, the Puritans, Quakers, Amish and Mennonites are messianic ascetic, while the Zoarites, Oneida cology, Latter Day Saints and the Free Love Society are typical orgiastic Gnostic Messianist sects. (p. 81)
One can, therefore, conclude that the "final solution", even though conceived in satanic paganism, could not have been carried out in practice by Catholic and Protestant Christians unless they had accepted the genocidal Chiliastic Gnostic notions together with their Christianity side by side, hand in hand. (p. 83)