
Thursday, March 27, 2008


It seems some celebrities really will stop at nothing to stay healthy and young-looking.

The leeches were 'highly trained'

Demi Moore, who once spent £220,000 on a head-to-toe surgical makeover, admitted she has been covered in leeches in an attempt to “deoxify” her blood.

The actress, who at 45 is 15 years older than her husband Ashton Kutcher, told the US chat show host David Letterman that she prepared for the 'therapy’ by shaving and bathing in turpentine.

She said: “I feel like I’ve always been someone looking for the cutting edge of things that optimise your health and healing.

“I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatment was leech therapy.

“These aren’t just swamp leeches though - we are talking about highly trained medical leeches. These are not some low level scavengers - we’re talking high level blood suckers.”

Intelligent leeches vs. stupid leeches. Sure, I believe that. I might be persuaded to believe the leeches were smarter than their victim, though.

If you want to read more about these intelligent leeches, check in here. You'll also discover that Demi Moore is riding the Kabbalah train.

(Somebody needs to tell this actress that if you insist on staying ten pounds underweight for your entire adult life, your skin is going to wrinkle a lot sooner than if you had spent your life 20 pounds overweight. They may not be healthy, but those fat cells do have their purpose.)

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