
Thursday, March 06, 2008


In an obvious attempt to smear, discredit and ultimately silence a popular conservative news and commentary web site -- NewsWithViews.com -- an Internet troller claiming to be a columnist is saturating the Internet with e-mail accusing NWV of being anti-Semitic.

The troller, who claims to be one Dorothy Margraf, a political columnist, sent out a mass e-mailing accusing NewsWithViews.com of associating with the Republic Broadcasting Network because she's angry with some of their postings. RBN is a syndicated radio network devoted to conservative-libertarian politics. Its talk show hosts include Derry Brownfield, Terry Anderson, former Green Beret John Moore, Frosty Wooldridge -- who's also a NWV columnist -- and other notable activists within the conservative movement.

In a reciprocal agreement -- which is quite common on the Internet -- RBN carries a NewsWithViews.com banner and link, while NWV carries a Republic Broadcasting Network banner and link. According to the principles at NWV and RBN, no money was involved and the online relationship is subject to review by both, NWV's and RBN's editorial boards in four months.

"This is an excellent way to increase the number of visitors to our sites," states one of the editors.

If Margraf has a problem with RBN's contents, she should contact them. While Margraf's claim of anti-Semitism involves Republic Broadcasting, she is attacking NewsWithViews.com.

"Just because someone opposes Zionism doesn't mean they hate Jews. Even some American Jews oppose Israeli foreign and domestic policies," said conservative political strategist Mike Baker.

Read the rest of the article...

Thanks to a reader for the heads up.

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