
Saturday, March 22, 2008


Antelman speaks of Montefiore saying:

Claude Montefiore...[was] an ultra Reform "rabbi" who subscribed to Marxist Illuminist principles. Claude was a scion of the House of Montefiore, a grand nephew of Sir Moses Montefiore...who fought against Reform and was a religiously observant Jew. Claude was also the great grandson of Mayer Amschel Rothschild whose daughter Henrietta married Moses Montefiore's brother, Abraham. Moses' wife Judy (nee Cohen) had a sister, Hannah, who married Nathan Mayer Rothschild...of London. It was Claude who would, with Schechter as his high priest, initiate Schechter into his ultimate life's destiny....

Montefiore's coordinator with the Illuminati was Platonist Benjamin Jewett who was busy liberalizing Christianity. Jewett recruited Montefiore to communicate Jewish source material which he could twist as interpreter of Judaism to the Christian world. Jewett was founder of the "Broad Church" movement in England, and directly influenced the radicals Asquinth, Grey and Curzon. A ploy that they utilized to undermine religious authority was the promotion of the concept of "moral relativism", which was abetted by Sir James G. Frazer's works.

Montefiore and Israel Abrahams launched in 1888 the
Jewish Quarterly Review, which acts as a repository to this very day of articles dealing with Jewish subject matter written in academic summary style. Schechter later transplanted the Review to the United States.

Of all the goals of the Illuminati, it appears that Claude Montefiore was most preoccupied with the Illuminati's goal of merging religions, and more particularly Judaism and Christianity.
(p. 147-148)

Susanna remembered from previous research that involved the Association of Hebrew Catholics that AHC member Athol Bloomer claimed to be a member of the Montefiore family.

Bloomer was a speaker at a havurah at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Jacksonville, Florida:

Our first guest speaker was David Moss, who talked on the topic of the Association of Hebrew Catholics and Jews in the Catholic Church. This attracted an audience of some 150 persons, including Bishop Galeone. Subsequent speakers were Athol Bloomer, who addressed a joint meeting of our ministry and the Eucharist Adoration Society. This attracted an audience of some 80 persons.

In his blog, Bloomer writes:

Both my parents are descendants of the Montefiore family of Barbados. My mothers maternal great grandparents Anne and Michael were both relatives of the Montefiore family and worked for them when they first came to Australia. Michael was employed by Joseph Barrow Montefiore firstly in Adelaide then London and then Melbourne. Michael's grandmother was Esther (Johanna) Montefiore of Barbados a cousin of Joseph Barrow Montefiore. Esther took the name Johanna when she converted to Catholic on her marriage to Captain John Walsh of Barbados. Joseph Barrow Montefiore was a first cousin of Sir Moses Montefiore of London. Michael's wife Anne was a great grandaughter of Juan Rodriguez Galvan and Maria Leon Galvan both born in Tamaulipas region of Mexico of cypto Jewish families who came to London via the Carribean in about 1790 and they joined the Sephardi Jewish community in London. They were descendants of the famous Carvajal family who suffered in the auto-de -fe of 1596 in Mexico City. Anne's father Edward (Efrayim) Ennis was a secret crypto Jewish Rabbi in Athlone Ireland. Edward's father had also been a merchant in Barbados in the 1820's. Edward Ennis's cousin Sir John Ennis Bt 's wife Lady Ennis was the matriarch and benefactress of the crypto Jewish community of Athlone. This community could be called Hebrew Catholic as they were strongly influenced by the Frankists. Edward Ennis's mother Mary Coffey was a daughter of Hannah Mayer of a Frankist family and a cousin of Joseph Wolff. Hannah Mayer was the sister of Esther Mayer ( the mother of Joseph Wolff) who married Rabbi David Wolff of Bavaria.

Their brother Joseph Mayer lived in England and was involved in the Orthodox Jewish community there. Two of his grandsons were converted by the London Jew's Society and became Anglican priests. John Montefiore's son Thomas Law montefiore also became an Anglican priest. Joseph Wolff after being an evangelist for the London Jew's Society also in later life became an Anglican priest.

It appears to me from this association that within the Hebrew Catholic movement Roman Catholics have embraced the very heresy of Sabbatian-Frankism that Antelman condemns so vigorously. Granted there have been changes along the way. This is most likely not the same heresy it was in the 17th century. Yet it still sets the mind spinning to contemplate what is taking place! The Illuminati, it would appear, are within our midst.

Bloomer has taken down his posts which I have linked in the past. Presumably these will go down as well as soon as he knows I have them. Perhaps Brit Am will be less hasty in removing evidence:

1. Athol Bloomer: Early British Israel
From: Athol Bloomer
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-718
#1. Answers to Questions on the BIWF

Dear Yair,

I found it interesting about the link with Naphtali and Finland as I have always thought that some of Naphtali were in the North in Finland and Scandinavia and the others in central Europe especially among the Hungarians and Austrians.

One of my ancestral uncles Jacob Montefiore was a Jewish supporter of the British Israel movement in the 19th century when the movement was pro Zionist. I believe he was one of the leaders of the movement in those days along with Colonel Gawler the Governor of South Australia. Jacob was a first cousin to Sir Moses Montefiore and the brother of Joseph Barrow Montefiore a founder of the Jewish communities of Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne. Jacob's brother John Montefiore was my ancestral grandfather and he became an Anglican and was involved in both the Hebrew Christian movement and the British Israel movement. In those early days many of the British Israelites were also connected to the Hebrew Christians. The first Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem was the former Rabbi of Norwich, Norfolk who was a close friend and supporter of John Wilson and presided over some of the first British Israelite meetings in England. Many of the gentry and aristocratic families that supported British Israel had some Jewish ancestry.

Cheers Athol

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