
Friday, February 29, 2008


A tale of horror is developing on the Island of Jersey in the English Channel. A large children's home, Haut de la Garenne, was the scene of decades of sexual and sadistic abuse that resulted in the death of one victim buried in a walled-up cellar and possibly six more. Some of the stories are calling it a pedophile ring. Others hint at Satanic practices. Thankfully this one does not appear to be Catholic.

BBC News presents a timeline of the story indicating the home was closed in 1981 for "economical" reasons, and turned into a youth hostel. In 2006 Jersey police began covert investigations based on allegations by former residents.

The Guardian reports that notorious predatory paedophile Edward Paisnel, who died in 1994, had played Father Christmas at the home. Paisnel was dubbed "the Beast of Jersey" after a 1971 conviction for a string of sex attacks spanning a decade. According to the article

During the trial, court officials visited a "secret room" behind a red curtain at Paisnel's home. A detective said there was a large knife with a wooden blade hanging over a glass chalice that gave him the impression of "shrine or altar". Paisnel "admitted owning books on hypnotism, black mass and notorious child-killer Giles de Rias."

In a victim's account in the Mirror

Pamela said that every night staff pulled cowering children from their beds and battered and raped them. She added: "The things that happened there are indescribable, the most cruel, sadistic and evil acts you could think of."...They would throw parties and invite outsiders...Rape was rife in all ages, both boys and girls."...Kids were encouraged to rape each other. ...The staff took their favourites alone to beauty spots. One lad...was befriended by a priest.

A story in The Sun describes the team of investigators and provides a picture of the site of excavation where tents conceal activities. Sniffer dogs (pictured in Sky News) are being used along with ground-penetrating radar. There are 140 surviving victims dating from the 1950s. Investigators indicate the body count could go higher. The article claims the home "was the base for a paedophile ring for more than 50 years." The article also indicates the island is a tax haven for the rich.

Residents pay only 20 per cent income tax - with NO inheritance tax, capital gains tax or VAT. Ex-Formula One star Nigel Mansell has a flat there and The Who's Roger Daltrey regularly visits. But tough residency laws see applicants considered on the benefits they would bring to the isle, which is nearer France than the UK.

Thanks to Susanna who unearthed these articles.

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