
Monday, January 21, 2008


While Zandstra supports the involvement of religious leaders in social issues, he warns that they need to question the agenda of the organizations they work with. “If the ideas being proposed stem from sound theological commitments, then the religious spokesman stands on sure ground,” Rev. Zandstra writes. “If, however, the cause is basically secular, the religious leader can be seen as simply trying to inject religious language into a non- (even anti-) religious agenda.”

That quotation is attributed to Rev. Gerald Zandstra, director of the Center for Enterpreneurial Stewardshp at the Acton Institute in an article by Bill Berkowitz at Z Magazine Online, February 2004.

The Acton website indicates Rev. Zandstra took a leave of absence from Acton in order to conduct a failed campaign for election to the U. S. Senate. He has now returned to Acton as Senior Fellow.

Would you say this indicates that Fr. Sirico has followed Zandstra's advice? If he is not going to take the advice of his Senior Fellow, why has Sirico rehired him?

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