
Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Among the Jewish leaders listed at the Elijah Interfaith Association website is Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp. According to the bio presented there, Awraham Soetendorp is

** Rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Community in The Hague (The Netherlands)
** He presides [past tense?] over the European Region of the World Union for Progressive Judaism
** Serves as Earth Charter Commissioner and
** Is a Founding Board Member of the Green Cross International
** Since 1993, Awraham Soetendorp has been co-chair of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders
** He acts as advisor to the American Jewish World Service
** He is the Founder and Chair of the Hope Foundation for Children for Universal Education

In addition to those activities, Rabbi Soetendorp is mentioned in the URI Europe Dialogue-Letter No. 4, March/April 2005, page 5, as a participant in an event.

He was a speaker at a URI Netherlands event.

He is mentioned in the World Goodwill Newsletter 1999 No. 3 of the Lucis Trust as a participant in a World Peace - Inner Peace Conference [see p. 2]

He is pictured in attendance at the World Economic Forum European Economic Summit in Warsaw.

He was a speaker at the World Peace Forum 2003

He was an invited speaker at the first Tea for Peace, at which the subject was Fundamentalism.

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