Friday, November 16, 2007
Things have changed a bit around the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall since the last time I visited Philadelphia. You need a ticket to get into the Hall now, and you get the ticket by hiking over to the Visitor's Center. They claim it facilitates traffic flow through the security check-in. Yes, Independence Hall has been cordoned off, and all visitors must pass the purse inspection.
If you had told me ten years ago that one day I would have to let strangers in uniform rummage through the contents of my pocketbook, I would probably have laughed at you. As I was standing there in line for the second time contemplating this new development and reflecting on the first time through how it didn't look as though they would have found the $100 bill in there let alone some sort of damage-maker. But we go through the motions anyway.
The motions at the airport seemed perfunctory as well. Then last night on the TV news I watched as the police used a taser on a frustrated man at a Canadian airport, a taser that killed him, apparently. Talk about the punishment not fitting the crime! As I watched, all I could think of was that Canada has become a police state right before our eyes. And of course the next thought was can America be far behind?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!