
Wednesday, November 14, 2007


While the Pope and the Pontifical Council for Immigrants and Travelers agitate for mainstreaming gypsies according to a Herald Tribune article, the reality on the street is the murder of a woman returning from a shopping trip by "one among hundreds of thousands of Romanians who have poured into Italy since 2002 after visa restrictions were lifted in anticipation of their country's entry this year into the European Union" according to the Guardian.

The Italian government has acted in an emergency session to "allow for the expulsion of citizens of other EU states if they are judged a threat to public security. The prologue to the new measure makes it clear it is aimed at Romanians."

The Guardian article indicates there are 556,000 Romanians in Italy, which amounts to less than 1% of the population, while 5.6% of those arrested for murder are Romanian. It also claims that Romani women take jobs that involve care of the elderly. A murder last spring involved the husband of the caregiver and an elderly couple. According to the article "the rapid growth in what is now Italy's biggest immigrant community has been accompanied by a string of vicious crimes."

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