
Thursday, November 15, 2007


Christians in Jerusalem have attacked what they say is the increasingly common phenomenon of ultra-orthodox Jews spitting on them.

The statement followed a brawl between an orthodox Jewish yeshiva (religious school) student and an Armenian archbishop.

They clashed in Jerusalem's Old City after the student spat at a cross being carried by the clergyman during a procession near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. ...

...a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman...has disclosed that he was recently approached by an elderly man wearing a skullcap who spat in his face.

Read the story...

Thanks to a reader for the link.

The Haaretz story which Maurice linked in a comments box also tells of Jews spitting on Christians.

Both of these stories are dated 12/10/2004.

Christianity Today also carried the story, and is dated December 2004. From their report:

"It happens maybe once a week," Armenian Bishop Aris Shirvanian told Ecumenical News International. "As soon as they notice a Christian clergyman, they spit. Those who are 'respectful' turn their backs to us or the large cross that we may carry. But the ones that are daring either spit on the ground or on the person without any provocation."

In the latest incident, a scuffle broke out after the Jewish seminary student spat at the cleric, whose cross was ripped from his neck. The seminary student later told police he saw the religious procession as idolatry.

This incident was caused by a Yeshiva student from "ultra-Orthodox Jews". These are the same Jews who wish to see the Noahide Laws become the laws of the land. In those laws the penalty for Idolatry is death by beheading.

The Guardian reports the spitting incident as occurring in October of 2004, so the date it occurred is not clear. The Guardian story also reports: "There have also been acts of vandalism against statues of the Virgin Mary." Also from this story we learn that "There is no hierarchy. Anyone can become a rabbi, set up an institution, get funds from abroad and teach what they like", further confirming what I have been saying, that Judaism is not monolithic.

Bishop Aris' comment in the Guardian story is noteworthy: "I do not think these Jews would dare spit at a Muslim sheikh; the whole city would explode. We are only a small group, so it [sic] easy to bully us."

A Palestinian news website, Jerusalemites reports the following:

These crimes committed by the Zionists reflected the deep-felt hatred of everything Christian embedded in the Zionist ideology. Testimony shows that this feeling went so deep that the Zionist authorities removed the international “+” sign from mathematics textbooks because of the resemblance of the plus sign to the Christian Cross.

Palestinian Christians cannot understand Christians in other lands who support Zionism despite this insane hatred of the Christian faith. American Jewish organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai Brith, raise a tremendous clamor whenever there is a desecration of Jewish Synagogues or a perceived slur against Judaism. But their deafening silence at similar Zionist crimes against Christianity in Israel sorrowfully indicates that the ADL is more self-righteous than righteous and more hypocritical than principled. Even more shameful is the attitude of the Christian televangelists who mislead their followers into supporting the persecution of their fellow Christians.

Chairman of Israel Human Rights League, Israel Shahak, has written about the deep-rooted Zionist hatred of Christianity and the manifestations of that hatred in Israel:

(Dishonoring) Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, and especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews.

The story also recounts the near firing of a history teacher for advising her students who were studying the history of Palestinian Jews to read some chapters of the New Testament.

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