
Thursday, October 18, 2007


A reader sent in a link to this July 22, 2007 Arutz Sheva story:

(IsraelNN.com)A report Saturday night quoted several important Kabbalists, as well as senior Ashkenazic Hareidi Rabbis, as saying that a major war would take place in Israel “very soon.” The reports quoted senior Hareidi Rabbi Baruch Avraham Rakovsky, who said that during a recent gathering where senior Kabbalists discussed important issues of the day, it was revealed through a variety of means – including communication with autistic children - that a major war was in the offing. However, great “open miracles, such as those that occurred when the Jews left Egypt,” would take place.

Read the rest...

Rabbi Yehuda Berg, of Madonna's Kabbalah Centre offered a prediction of his own on August 26, 2006:

In the 16th century, the great Moroccan Kabbalist Abraham Azulai said that on September 11, 2000, a new era would dawn. This would be the age of immortality and resurrection of the dead. The year 2000 corresponded to the Hebrew Calendar Year of 5760.

Now follow this carefully …

The Zohar itself, when commenting upon the coming of the Messiah, said a series of events would trigger this new era. Specifically, the Zohar states in Volume 15, Paragraph 116:

“…THESE TWO KINDS OF JUDGMENTS WILL BE COMBINED. It will burn many towers … many towers will collapse and … fall on that day.”

In another section of the Zohar, it gives the actual name of a negative force that brings judgment to this world.

Verse 97. “B’ladan is its name, and He is not a human being…”

One year to the day of 9/11 2000 (5760), the Twin Towers fell in Manhattan. The world changed forever. Guess what? The Western Calendar year of 2001 ALSO fell in the Hebrew Calendar Year of 5760. So the Zohar was spot on!

His blog goes on to tell us that:

The full manifestation of the power of immirtality and resurrection of the dead is what's at stake ...

But now it's up to us. It's up to you.

Everyone must play an active role to manifest the Final Fruit. The only weapon the Opponent has to use against us is doubt.

He has nothing left in his arsenal. Nothing. His only chance to prevent the inevitable is to implant doubt in our minds.

Those of us who doubt the great new age mystical convergence, or whatever it will be called, will be working for the "other side" according to Rabbi Berg. Imagine what that will mean when Freemasonry and followers of Kabbalah converge with believers in the New Age! Christianity will find no place in it.

When our popes say we are awaiting the return of the Messiah while the Jews are awaiting his first appearance, what exactly are they telling us?

At the UFO Digest website Dr. Stephen Yulish, convert to Christianity, offers a viewpoint on the Kabbalists prediction:

The Tanakh (the Old Testament) is so clear in the writings of the Prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah and Zechariah and Jeremiah and others who truly heard from God about the perils that surely will face modern day Israel, that it is sacrilegious that these Kabbalistic, modern day necromancers need to rely on "autistic children" for divine counsel on the fate of Israel. It is obvious to me, that what supposed information if any that they may glean from these types of agonizing sources, are more probably from Hasatan and his minions. They know that their time is short and will go to any lengths to deceive and manipulate the people of Israel even with false miracles and signs and wonders through the mouths of troubled, suffering innocent children. Remember what Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says "There shall not be found among you anyone who uses divination or who practices witchcraft or one who interprets omens or is a sorcerer or who casts a spell or is a medium or a spiritist or who calls up the dead. For whosoever does these things is detestable to the Lord."

Turning to the Jewishfuture.com website I found:

At first, the notion that Autistic people were able to communicate was the subject of well-deserved skepticism. But as more and more parents of autistic children learned methods of Facilitated Communication, they also found themselves able to communicate with their children.

Another area of skepticism surounds the content of the messages. Why would (some) Jewish autistic children give warnings about the world situation? How can this be believed? In fact, the Sages of the Talmud (Baba Basra 12a) hinted to this occurance when they said that after the era of formal prophecy had ended there would still be a remnant of higher knowledge available through young children and people of limited mental abilities (Hebrew word: "shotim") whose minds are more loosely bound into this physical world.

"How can this be?" the article asks, and then provides the following answer:

Since the mind of an autistic person is not so bound/linked/tied to this physical world, some spiritually sensitive autistic people develop a sensitivity to information from a place we can only call "above this world". In this realm the autist can access information not normally available to the rest of us.

This sounds incredibly like Dr. Doreen Virtue's Indigo Children who are said to have knowledge the rest of us don't possess but who are described as ADHD (scroll down to near the bottom) by those not part of the New Age movement.

Whether he would be described as "shotim" or not, it would seem to be significant that Judaism's most infamous heretical prophet, Sabbatai Zevi, was a manic-depressive. He was able to spread his heretical doctrine throughout Europe and the Holy Land within a very short period of time. He had many followers.

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