Thursday, October 04, 2007
Remember the Sisters of Bethany who were being kicked out of their convent so that it could be sold to help pay the sexual abuse judgment? Well, apparently they have been silenced, so now the biological sister of one of them is doing the talking for them; and the words "gag order", "shroud of secrecy", and "hostile public opinion" are part of the conversation.
Also mentioned in the story
...the handsome residence of the Santa Barbara bishop -- once a convent -- remains safe behind seven palms on a corner lot. The building is the largest in a neighborhood where homes have been fetching $2 million.
The controversy has gotten sufficiently vocal for the Diocese to bring in the Mother Superior of the order from Guatemala.
Sale of the convent is expected to raise $700,000, by comparison. The entire judgment of $660 million will likely require more stories like this one before the piper has been paid.
The story also indicates that four other convents are being shuttered to raise funds.
Read the story here.