
Monday, October 15, 2007


An article at Spero News, written by Joni Durling, a member, and Mary Ann Kreitzer, the founder of The Catholic Media Coalition. In the article, after describing the outrageous actions of Archbishop Niederauer in giving communion to two members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, they write:

If Archbishop Niederauer, indeed, did not know...that the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are public, obstinate sinners, hopefully he will now take this opportunity to get to know those under his care. Maybe he will even make a statement barring them from Communion in a Catholic Church in his diocese as more and more of his fellow bishops around the country are doing with those who publicly defy the Church. This would go a long way toward rectifying the situation.

An additional issue that needs to be addressed immediately is the out-of-control situation at Most Holy Redeemer. A parish that hosts gay bingo games where pornography and sex toys are distributed for prizes and offers a site for drag beauty contests clearly needs to be suppressed. The eyes of the country are on Most Holy Redeemer and Archbishop Niederauer. Unfortunately for the archbishop, this episode will not be forgotten soon. There is now a worldwide campaign for his removal over this latest controversy. Hopefully the Vatican will be responding soon.

So far all we get from the Vatican is silence. Not surprisingly given the alleged association between Archbishop Niederauer and Cardinal Levada.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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