
Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Last Monday the Plain Dealer reported on the testimony of Anton Zgoznik on his own behalf in the ongoing "trial of the Cleveland Diocese"...a label that is once again protested by Bob Tayek, spokesman for the diocese.

According to Zgoznik, he had seen diocesan accounting records of $80,000 transferred into Pilla's personal account for unspecified purposes. Zgoznik, too, is "shocked" at diocesan financial activities. Strange word to choose given Pilla's "shocked" that elicited such humor from the press, but there it is in the article in quotes.

The Diocese, of course, is denying any guilt; and Zgoznik insists that "They wanted somebody to take the fall for the decision-making at the diocese." It looks like Zgoznik is the man of choice, proving that the danger in working for the Catholic hierarchy is not all sexual.

What was Zgoznik supposed to have gained by these financial shenanigans? It rather looks to me like Pilla and Wright came out with the cash and Zgoznik merely came out with a criminal charge to show for his silence. What was the motivation if we are to believe what Pilla and the diocesan spokesmen are trying to tell us?

I'm still inclined toward sympathy for this guy who appears to be taking the fall.

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