Friday, September 07, 2007
by Emilio Bartolomé, published in Atrio
August 21, 2007
That is the title and author of Matt Abbott's recent column. Bartolome has a degree in philosophy and is an ex-legionary.
Recently, Fr. Alvaro Corcuera, Director General of the Legion of Christ, has been discreetly visiting different legionary houses to explain to his religious the repeal — apparently ordered by higher authorities — of the secret vows, also known as the private vows.
There are two such vows. The first prevents a religious from criticizing any personal aspect of a superior, including his moral character. It also prevents him from listening to conversations in which a superior is being criticized. The second vow prevents religious from coveting positions in the congregation and consequently from actively seeking to obtain them.
Fr. [Marcial] Maciel, the founder, created this dual shield of protection so that his degenerate actions would not become known within the congregation. The first shield consists of the norm related to communication, which prohibits religious from speaking with persons outside of the congregation unless such conversations are related to one's official duties. The second shield consists of those vows which previously have been referred to as the secret vows and which were sworn to, not in the chapel, but in the sacristy. These vows have been very important to the congregation, even to the point that a single criticism of a superior was grounds for immediate expulsion from the congregation.
This development, coupled with a more flexible policy on family visits, indicates that something is stirring within this congregation. At the same time this news creates a mountain of uncertainties stemming from the stealth and secrecy with which the legion is treating it and from the gullible explanations which they provide. Not long ago a legionary with whom I was in contact told me the reason for the change in policy on family visits was because airline tickets were now cheaper.
Go over to the website and read the speculation about what may be happening within the Legion, including two constitutions, one for the pope and one for the members; and the speculation that Legionnaire ordinations might possibly be invalid.