Saturday, July 21, 2007
She lives in Ireland, and she tells us "The Angels are always pleased to help us at any time no matter how often we call upon them. Once our request is in Divine Order and for the Higher Good of all concerned we will receive the Angels help. Trust in the Angels. You can call on a particular Angel or on Angels in general, ask for the Angels assistance and trust in the outcome. Give gratitude to the Angels at this time and again when your request has been granted."
Hayden makes no secret of the fact that she serves as a medium on her Angel Energy Healing Welcome page.
I have had a particular devotion to St. Michael for years, so I might be willing to agree with her if she didn't include Archangel Zadkiel on her website; but her particular invocation of angels is not quite what a Catholic has in mind. Here she spells it out:
Angel Energy Healing is a combination of healing with the Angels, manifesting, communing with one's own Guardian Angels, communing with friends or family who have passed on, invoking the Angels to assist in the cutting of ties to people, places or things, and receiving messages from the Angels that help the healing process. It also includes asking specific questions of the Angels and receiving answers. We all have the ability to work with and talk to the Angels....
The Angel Energy Healing Practitioner three day Workshop Programme incorporates Mary K's considerable experience as a teacher and practitioner in all the areas listed. Angel Energy Healing is an integration of Spiritual Healing and working with the Angels, Angel Healing and Life Force Energy Healing. This composite approach was developed by Mary K. Hayden based on her experience as a Reiki & Seichem Master & Teacher. Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and Medium....
Attunements are a key feature of the programme and differentiate this program from other Angel Workshops. Three attunements are given. The First Attunement enhances Psychis ability. The second attunement enhances healing. The third attunement connects us with St. Michael the Archangel.
Hayden is a Reiki practitioner. Her welcome page informs the web surfer:
Visitors to Mary K Hayden's Reiki Ireland web site can learn about Reiki and Seichem and the many benefits that can be derived from Reiki and Seichem treatments and from attunements into Reiki, for either personal or professional reasons. It includes details of the various Reiki Ireland Workshops and on-going Support
The Reiki Ireland workshops include Reiki Levels I, II & III-Mastership and Seichem Levels I, II & III-Mastership. The workshop pages also list Angels Ireland workshops including Mary K Hayden's 3-Day Angel Energy Healing Practitioner and her 2-Day Mediumship and Psychic Development workshops.
Contacting the spirit world for healing is addressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church #2117:
All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion.
All of this would be of little interest if it weren't for the fact that Catholic nuns have become Reiki practitioners. Here is just one example.
Even more surprising is Reiki Energy Therapist Rev. Mr. Al Caponigro, Roman Catholic Deacon, spiritual director, located in Arizona. He advertises his Reiki energy treatments, Reiki training classes and attunements on the Healing Arts Network website. Imagine--this man assists at Mass on Sunday and may provide a Reiki attunement on Monday.
It boggles the mind!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!