
Thursday, June 21, 2007


If Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon has his way, at least two Catholic churches in Euclid will close.

"The request from the bishop is there be no more than four parishes in Euclid," explained Robert Tayek, director of media and public relations for the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. "It's a long process. He will ask the cluster to submit plans by September of 2008."

The city currently has six parishes that are members of the Cuyahoga County Suburban East cluster. They include Holy Cross, St. Christine, St. Felicitas, St. Paul, St. Robert Bellarmine and St. William.

Overall, there are 69 clusters in the Cleveland diocese serving 231 parishes.
St. Christine and St. Paul have both closed their schools and currently house charter schools. But Tayek said Lennon would like to see one more school shut down by 2012, at the latest.

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