Wednesday, April 18, 2007
More data sent in by Susanna:
New episcopal consecration for "Eglise Gnostique Universelle" in 1913 completes connection to Martinist Order because of its validity as recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. (Note: consecration valid but illicit. Parties to consecration incur automatic excommunication.)
Jean Bricaud, Évêques-Primat (Primary Bishop) and member of the "Suprème Conseil du Haut Synode" (High Synod) of the "Église Gnostique Universelle" received a new episcopal consecration in 1913 which would finally complete the connection to the Martinist Order because of its validity as recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Bricaud had met Louis-Marie-François Giraud (1876-1950) with whom he became friendly. Giraud was a disciple of Abbé Julio ( Julien-Ernest Houssay, 1844-1912), a former Catholic Priest, Occultist and "faith-healer" who had consecrated Giraud in 1911. Giraud apparently stated that he considered the 'Eglise Gnostique Universelle' to be a continuation of the Gallican Church. It appears that it was especially Charles Détre (Téder) who exerted pressure on Papus to 'officially' connect the "Eglise Gnostique Universelle" to the Martinist Order. Abbé Julio was concecrated as a Bishop of the "Eglise Catholique Libre de France" on December 4, 1904, by Mgr.Paolo Miraglia, a Bishop of the "Eglise Catholique Indépendante d'Italie". Paolo Miraglia-Gulatti, also a former catholic priest, had been consecrated as an "Old Catholic Bishop of Italy" by Mgr. Vilatte in 1900 "with the title of Bishop of Piacenza".
Joseph René Vilatte held a lineage into the "Old Catholic Church of Utrecht" and a lineage into the Syro-Jacobite "Church of Antioch". Bricaud's consecration into the old Catholic rites was important for the E.G.U. because it provided "a valid and apostolic episcopal succession, which was recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as valid but 'illicit' (source : T.Apyrion).
The consecration into the Church of Antioch provided the Gnostic Church of the French Martinists the apostolic authority to administer the Christian sacraments. Many members of the M*O* of Papus were of the Catholic faith, and being a Martinist or member of any secret society ment excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Assurance of receiving the sacraments was achieved through the consecration into a valid rite. Both Giraud and Julio were in close communion with the Gnostic Churches of France as well as with the Arcane Orders and Societies of their time. Abbé Julio is primary responsible for the occult infusion into the Apostolic succession. It was Abbé Julio, through Giraud, who gave the Apostolic filiation to Bricaud's Gnostic Church, "Église Gnostique Universelle".
Source: The Church of Carmel
Gallicanism has a longer history in the Church than this occult movement would suggest. In modern times it seems to have morphed into Sillonism, as I explained in a blog some time ago.
The issue still remains, however, what are the routes by which occultism is impacting the Roman Catholic Church in 2007? Who is practicing occultism within the Roman Catholic Church today?