
Wednesday, February 21, 2007


From Catholic World News via a link at NOR:

Rome, Feb. 19, 2007 (CWNews.com) - An Italian Paulist priest has become a member of the Masons, joining the group in a ceremony attended by about 40 people at the Masonic headquarters at Piazza del Gesu in Rome.

Father Rosario Francesco Esposito dismissed the Church ban on membership in the Masonic lodge, saying that it is “a thing of the past.”

Read the rest...

What will the Vatican do about it?

The Masonic blogger "The Widow's Son" has covered this event and referenced a Zenit article posted earlier this month that reiterates the ban on Lodge membership, according to which "A person who promotes or directs an association of this kind is to be punished with an Interdict....an ecclesiastical penalty that deprives the person of the right to celebrate or receive the sacraments..."

Would this priest be the same person who wrote these books? The name is the same, and two of the books appear to be about Masonry, but I don't read Italian and so am not sure. Here are the titles:

1.Santi e massoni al servizio dell'uomo : vite parallele more books like this
by Rosario Francesco Esposito
see all copies from $24.88!

2.Anuarite, vierge et martyre za�roise more books like this
by Rosario Francesco Esposito, E. Somers
see all copies from $26.47!

3.Giovanni Bovio tra l'apostolo Paolo e s. [i.e. san] Tommaso d'Aquino : contributo alla storia della Chiesa e della massoneria nel secolo XIX more books like this
by Rosario Francesco Esposito
see all copies from $15.24!
Page 1 of 1

If you can read those titles, check Google for more information about him in Italian.

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