Monday, February 26, 2007
or Hollywood at its anti-Jesus thing again.
With no film in the running this year, director James Cameron seems set on muffling the post-Oscar rhapsodizing by loosing the publicity hounds on his latest project, which strikes at the foundations of Christianity and already has Church authorities upset.
It looks like things really got rolling, buzz-wise, with a TIME magazine blog whisper on Friday, which outlined details on 90-minute documentary in which Mr. Cameron, along with journalist Simcha Jacobovici, say they have uncovered the burial cave of Jesus and his family — along with enough DNA evidence to establish, they say, that Jesus wasn’t resurrected and that Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene.
James CameronJames Cameron (Photo: Getty Images)
The story was picked up over the weekend, and although the documentary will not air for another month (on the Discovery Channel), and an accompanying book co-authored by Mr. Jacobovici, “The Jesus Family Tomb,” is not quite shipping from yet, the condemnations have already started to fly.
“Every Christian knows that Jesus the son of God and man died and rose again on Easter Sunday,” a New York Archdiocese spokesman, Joseph Zwilling, told The New York Post on Sunday. “No alleged DNA test or Hollywood film is going to change that.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Cameron is scheduled to hold a press conference at 11:00 a.m. in New York, at which he will reportedly unveil the burial boxes that he and his colleague say once contained the bones of Jesus.
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