
Saturday, February 03, 2007


says Matthew Fox, along with some other stuff that is equally audacious given he is no longer a member of the Church he disses. Check it out at YouTube. He is concerned with the Pope's interest in "going to Prada" which he seems to think has replaced the preferential option for the poor. The "preoccupation with sexual morality that has been driving this Vatican for 25 years" has to go according to Fox. This "burdensome and excessive preoccupation with sexual morality that has been driving this Vatican for 25 years in fact [is] dysfunctional."

When he said that last bit I started to speculate on his sex life, and then remembered I needed remain above going there.

While you are listening to his rant, take comfort in his wrinkles. He isn't going to be around spewing this garbage much longer. In the meantime, the video clip is an ad for an upcoming Canadian broadcast of more of the same. Canadian Catholics have my sympathy.

Hat tip to a reader for the link.

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