Thursday, January 11, 2007
Bishop Justin Bianchini of Geraldton, Australia has provided Catholic News Service with his justification for the Catholic hospital practice of covering or removing the crucifix from hospital rooms at patient requests.
But why stop there, Bishop? Why keep the name Catholic when it seems that you believe it is not in your patient's best interests? Can anyone really believe that Jesus and the cross can be erased from the word Catholic? Why have any symbols around anywhere that hint that a God might be behind the efforts being expended on a patient's behalf? If you're ashamed of Jesus Christ, then complete the task for goodness sake!
The Bishop says, The fact that we are Catholic means we do respect people now, we are more open, not narrow-minded. "Now"? As opposed to not respecting people in the past when nuns gave their lives to tend to them? As opposed to being narrow-minded when we did not remove the crucifix back when we established Catholic hospitals since we wanted to bring the love of God to hurting people?
Apparently the bishop believes that it is better to let the patients think that all of the care and all of the love comes from man and is not the result of our belief. That is the message he is sending with this statement at any rate. Will he be promoting abortion next? It would be a logical development of this line of thinking.
If these people thought that being in a room with a crucifix would be stressful, why on earth would they check into a Catholic hospital? If the crucifix is so stressful, put an image of the Good Shepherd in the room instead, but for heaven sake stop banishing Jesus to please man!