
Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Yet another creation of Barbara Marx Hubbard through the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, in partnership with the Association for Global New Thought, Humanity's Team, New Dimensions World Broadcasting Network, Peace X Peace, Prophets Conference, and Woman of Vision and Action.

New name. New foundation. New source of donations. New store to sell books and courses and products. New reason to jet around the world and be photographed with the stars. Same old list of names in the founders and directors slots, with a fresh bunch of groupies on the bandwagon to do the daily drudge. Is there a limit to the number of non-profits an American can found in a lifetime?

Are the groupies ever going to wake up and realize that all of the money and all of the verbiage and all of the jetting around to attend conferences where yet more talk is bringing no peace while the evening news is still telling us stories of dead young bodies arriving home in caskets? How long can someone be credible while failing at their appointed task?

1 Thessalonians 5 speaks of a time when peace is on everyone's tongue: But of the time and moments, brethren, you need not that we should write to you. For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall so come, as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, peace and security, then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.

Can the word "peace" be overused as the boy in the story who cried wolf, so that when the real possibility of peace appears no one will listen? Can we become jaded and bored with the word and with the concept because it has been over used and over promoted, and so we want to seek the opposite just because we are annoyed and contrary?

The promoters of the new consciousness gain a few more followers with each new spinning of the same old record. Inevitably, though, a reaction will set in when people seek something novel and different. Will that new direction be a return to authentic religion and a rejection of this substitute spirituality? One can only hope...

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