
Monday, December 04, 2006


Spirit Daily has a picture posted of the Mystical Rose. Behind the head of the woman is the symbol of the Rose Croix. The picture comes from the University of Dayton Marian Center.

Here is a picture of the "Rose Croix Journal" Volume 3 which contains the Rose Croix symbol of the rose and cross. Same rose.

The Order of the Grail, an esoteric group associated with Martinist Lewis Keizer and his Home Temple Priesthood, explains the Islamic origin of the Rose-Croix. It clearly is not Roman Catholic. The story of Christian Rosenkreutz has many similarities with the story of the Russian occultist Gurdjieff, who also journeyed through the East studying the secrets of the Arab mystics. Notice the following points as you read through the material:

-- Rosenkreutz "conceived the plan for simultaneous universal religious, philosophic, scientific, political, and artistic reform."

-- "Their interpretation of dogma remained a secret from society due to its heterodox nature."

-- The word "subsists" is used.

-- "The secret part of the teaching was on the subject of theurgy: the divine and angelic names, conjurations, the Kabbalah, exorcisms etc..."

-- "The [sic] differed from the Sufis but they were united in many points of doctrine. They were both mystical orders deriving from Koranic theology."

-- "Following the teachings of the Arab neo-platonic philosophers and Jewish kabbalists who often influenced the mystics..."

-- "Their doctrine of the Logos deriving from the Gospels evidently differed from the Christian idea, but there was among them a syncretism which one discovers in the Rosicrucian rituals."

-- "The creator does not directly create matter, but it is through the role of the intermediaries, the angels who identify themselves with the first principles."

-- "Ibn-Arabi who wrote a book on 'The Hundred Names of God' used circles to expound his system, which is singularly close to that of 'Dignitates Divinae' by Raymond Lully, who is considered as an initiate and precursor to the Rose-Croix."

-- "Rosicrucian theurgy hardly differs from that of the Sufis although the Sufis derive a very rich angelology from the Koran."

All of this was rejected by the Church when it infiltrated the Church the first time with Pico della Mirandola and Raymond Lull. Now it is back, and the Marian center at Dayton U. seems to be resurrecting it. Given that Benedict appears to be presenting us with Lull's faith and reason arguments, it is not surprising that they are.

Rosicrucians are the people who are giving us the claims that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and carried His child to France in her womb. The image in this Mystical Rose picture is not the Blessed Virgin, it is Mary Magdalene.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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