
Friday, December 29, 2006


She spells the name of the movement two ways--"Huemanism" and "HuManIsm."

Using typical buzzwords of the New Age Movement, Ripstein describes Huemanism as:

"A unique proposal for all human beings to manifest world peace and to inspire us as we raise our consciousness."

She invites us to "Discover the secret so guarded by Masters as Leonardo Da Vinci". Has Dan Brown already discovered it, one wonders?

According to Ripstein we are all empowered to "create the world we want to create".

Huemanism intends to "unite humanity" through collective "creative forces".

The Huemanism Movement was launched by Ripstein on September 21, 2005. It is an off-shoot of Ripstein's God's Light endeavors.

The God's Light store is interesting. Under "Supplements for the Spirit" you can purchase alternative medicine supplements to tune in to the universe's energy and focus on body creating energy. You can take a supplement--Etherium Gold--to improve brain balance and learning ability. You can order Aulterra, a DNA Activator.

I believe they used to call substances like these "snake oil."

In the store, the Essences & Perfumes: Passion, Pleasure & Attraction webpage provides "A unique blend of exotic essences made up to help your sensuality...attract the one you love...raise vibrations...and consciousness. Create Prosperity in your life...be connected to the universe's abundance...it is your right to receive it."

God's Light is getting darker by the moment. Call the neighborhood pimp!

Think this stuff is fringe capitalism? Ripstein is a World Peace Envoy--a United Nations Representative International Association of Educators for World Peace, and Chair of the Sacred Transcendental Arts Subcommittees of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns ECOSOC NGO in Consultative Status with the United Nations. You can read it and see the logo here.

You can see the same logo on Charles Mercieca's website, because he is the founder of the International Association of Educators for World Peace.

Something interesting turns up when you go to this Ripstein website, click the "Enter" button, then print page 2 of the webpage that comes up next. The fine print at the bottom of the website doesn't show up on the screen, but when you print page 2, this appears beneath the copyright notice:

Healing Art,Mary Magdalene,Dan Brown,Jesus, Peace,Love, children, creativity, God, frequencies, consciousness,seminars,Godslight,Huemanism, music,art for investment,inspiration,Our Lady,spiritual,visionary art,prophetic art,Leonard da Vinci, see the invisible,divine messages,art and healing, huemanism,what the bleep,ilonka harezi,valerie hunt,jj hurtak, virgin Mary,Leonardo da Vinci,Invisible Art, Invisible technique, blue ray,Saint Germain,Michaelangelo,biblical,oneness,body,mind and spirit, healing,soul,color that heals,images that heal,fears,pain,messages,secret codes,hidden messages,Our Lady of the Universe,Father Jozo Zovko,faith,Love,consciousness,fine art,museums,collectors fine art,prophetic art, divine art,inspiration. Jesus,Moises,Budha,sacred heart,united nations,,harmony.chakras,rainbow,quantum.Salud, Arte, maria magdalena, paz, amor, hijos, ninos, creatividad, dios, conciencia, seminarios, luz de dios, divina, divino, musica, inversion, inspiracion, nuestra senors, senora, segrado, velas, naciones unidas, buda, alma, technica invisible, luz negra, museo.

Incidentally, Father Jozo Zovko is the priest--a disobedient Franciscan--who has taken charge of the Medjugorje visionaries. He has worked with Ripstein. You can read it here:

- 1995 Ms. Ripstein was commissioned "Our Lady of the Universe: God's Gift to the World" and "Thy Will is Done". The Nov. 1997 U.S. tour in 15 cities for the presentation of the painting in the United States was done with Father Jozo Zovko of Medjugorje, Croatia. Proceeds from the painting of "Our Lady" were donated to the renewal center for the children and widows of Bosnia and other war areas.

Scroll down a little more and discover that Marla and Donald Trump and Wayne Dyer have been part of her audiences.

Before you leave the Fast Facts webpage, notice that the item under "- 2005" indicates that the painting of two naked lovers kissing has been associated with the United Nations 60th Anniversary. In the blacklight the man is an angel. Also notice that at "- September 11/2001" posters of Our Lady of the Universe were hung in New York's disaster areas. And notice that Ripstein has once again done an image makeover. From nice Jewish lady to purveyor of evil, to angelic femme fatale. Maybe she has been sampling her Pleasure & Attraction Essenses.

(In checking the links prior to publishing this post, I was unable to get back to some of the Ripstein websites. If you also have problems with it, leave a note in the comments box.)



Go to the main God's Light website and highlight the page. Highlighting will bring into view the paragraph I've reproduced above that includes Mary Magdalene, Dan Brown, Jozo Zovko, etc.

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