
Monday, December 04, 2006


Picking up where I left off last week with Thomas Worrel, who teaches religion at Bishop O'Dowd Catholic High School, and who mentors the S.T.U.D. Club (They have a stud club??) at the high school, and who may or may not be the same Thomas Worrel, the Marin County Mason who founded the Commandery of the Green Lion which practices the Ogdoadic Tradition, is listed as one member among others at The Ogdoadic Notes website.

Click the "Names" link at the top of that webpage and you will arrive here, at The Sub Rosa Nigra Hierarchical Names with Interpretations & Analyses, and find a picture of a demon. Links here will take you to pages with the Tree of Life diagram and a list of words in the Greek alphabet, together with their translations.

Another page in the website gives the "hymns of 'the Worshipped'". Glance through these hymns and you will find at the bottom of the webpage the following:

Sprung from thy secret above in the limitless deep,
Upward coursing, resistless, beautiful fire,
O sacred scintillant Serpent, Knouphis-Agathodaimon! - we hail thee and give thee praise.

Remember, it is The Ogdoadic Notes website that offers the Tridentine Mass ritual.

If the Thomas Worrel of Bishop O'Dowd and the Thomas Worrel of Commandery of the Green Lion are one and the same Thomas Worrel, what do you suppose he teaches in his religion classes to impressionable high school students?

It is a fact that the Thomas Worrel of the Commandery of the Green Lion is the same Thomas Worrel who is a Past Master of the Mill Valley Masonic Lodge, and who is active in that Lodge. Does this mean that the Masonic morality mentioned in their motto--"A peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols"--can be stretched to include the worship of demons?

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