
Friday, December 01, 2006


The Tetelesmenoi Hermei website repeats the claim that the practices of the Aurum Solis "arose from a fusion of pre-Christian traditions of the Eastern Mediterrean with the mystical teachings...of the Oriental monasteries of Sinai, Carmel, and St. Sabas."

No Tridentine Mass here, but they do offer the "Mass of the Agathodaimon," along with several varieties of invocations and a "Consecration of the Daktulios." It looks to be a new website since the hit count is so low (605 at 1:55 p.m. on Dec. 1) and none of the links have been activated yet, apparently.

Nice quote from Albert Pike that rearranges cosmology in order to make the serpent sacred and a partaker in the divine nature.

What is that triangle and Hebrew letter in the center of the black and white ouroboros?

"A Brief History of the Ogdoadic Tradition" in the Astrum Sophia website calls the Knights Templar "medieval brethren". Speaking of medieval brethren, they seem to be talking about Pope Boniface VIII (1235-1303) in this passage:

"With arcane intent, for the creation of a sanctuary of power wherein supernal Light might focus upon earth, did Benedetto Gaetano, high initiate of the Glorious Star, ordain the emplacement of our symbol upon surrounding pillars of strength in Rome.

Ironic, isn't it, that we often hear crowds chanting "Benedetto" when greeting our current Pontiff.

Bonifice VIII was elected following the resignation of Celestine V and promptly set about revoking some of Celestine's decisions. His coronation was performed in unparalled splendor according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. He promptly put Celestine under arrest; he was poorly treated and died 10 months later. Bonifice VIII aimed for "universal peace and Christian coalition against the Turks" but his aims were not realized. Pertinent to this discussion is the fact that Bonifice VIII imprisoned the chief singer of the Franciscan Spirituals.

Also mentioned in the Ogdoadic website are the Ismali Order of the Faithful Ones of Love:

"Mighty was the mystical and secret Ismali Order of the Faithful Ones of Love which, in Asia Minor, comparably with the Sufis and Dervishes, followed within the Islamic world the path of inner illumination and of devotion to the spiritual elevation of humanity. Mighty was its Ogdoadic power; mighty were its planetary workings.

The website cites as antecedents the "Ogdoadic society of the Fideli d'Amore which, established in Italy at the end of the twelfth century, was a western formulation of the symbolism, mystique and practice of the Faithful Ones of Love, added to and enriched by the order of the Temple." Dante Alighieri and Marsilio Ficino were members of this order. Ficino is said to have formed the Ogdoadic society called the Careggi Circle which influenced Reuchlin and Erasmus. The Catholic Cabalist Pico della Mirandola belonged to this society as did Michelangelo. The society was dispersed through "persecution by religious fanatics". Next came the 16th century Order of the Helmet.

A webpage in the Mill Valley Lodge website spells out the purpose and duties of Lodge members. Tom Worrel is designated chair of of the Education committee dedicated to providing "Masonic Education programs to the Lodge members, their families and friends", and of the Fireman's Breakfast committee which aims to "showcase Freemasonry." He is a committee member of the Grand Lodge Communications/Jurisprudene and Legislation committee which concerns lodge business.

Though Worrel is not listed as a committee member, the website also indicates the Lodge has a Public Schools committee with the purpose of planning and executing

a public schools program in each April...calling attention to the members and the general public the importance of our Public Schools. Special emphasis should be placed on Public Schools Week with programs such as open houses, classroom visitations, speech contests, dinner meetings honoring school administrators and teachers, and radio and television appearances. This is another excellent opportunity for the Lodge to present itself before the public.

The Lodge also provides scholarships.

Mill Valley, located in Marin County, is a well-to-do community. This is no poor-man's lodge. Who, then, is Thomas D. Worrel? There are a couple of possibilities.

Tom Worrel (or Tom Worrell, Jr.) is a "maverick businessman, philanthropist and preservationist who is focusing his energies on El Monte Sagrado Living Resort & Spa in Taos, New Mexico. Other activities have included publishing, television broadcasting, land development, boat design, law and philanthropy. His formed Five Rings, Inc., a non-profit that helps Native Americans. He created the Dharma Foundation, set up the Milagro Center for minority children in South Florida, founded the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Agama Sanctuary in Taos, New Mexico, among other things.

He and his wife have set up Yaxche School, a non-profit dedicated to environmentalism.

The website indicates Worrell (the most frequent spelling of his name) is 60 years old.

An article in the magazine "Su Casa" indicates Worrell's middle initial is "E".

The Taos Daily Horse Fly offers a March 3, 2006 article on Worrell's activities that appears to include a picture of the man.

There is also a picture of Tom Worrel (one "l") on the website of the "Magus of Luxor". He does not look 60. This is a different person.

There is a the Tom Worrel who teaches religion classes at Bishop O'Dowd High School. The "Religious Studies Department" at Bishop O'Dowd High School lists Worrel as a faculty member. Among the Required Courses are "Christian Sexuality" and "Hebrew Scriptures".

Worrel's Winter 2006 Course Information for the class "Living and Dying" is on the web here. This is a Catholic High School located in Oakland, a suburb of San Francisco.

The "Personal Development Electives" webpage at Bishop O'Dowd explains the curriculum for this course:

Living and Dying (junior or senior year) (one semester)
This course explores the meaning of life and death personally, spiritually and culturally. Our primary focus is to become more aware of our life-plan, relationships and values as well as to reflect on our own mortality. We will explore death-related issues such as suffering, aging, broken relationships and the grief process that accompanies all loss. The wisdom of psychology and sociology is integral to our study, but a thorough investigation of God's real presence with us in loss, pain, suffering and death is our foundation.

Notice the Textbooks used in this class. LIFE AFTER LIFE by Raymond Moody. Moody's website demonstrates further what Moody believes. Among the books he has written is one titled SCRYING: THE ART OF FEMALE DIVINATION. His website includes a link to "The Psychomanteum", a divination technique that uses reflective materials such as mirrors.

Worrel's website offers URLs to "Egyptian concepts of death" (a broken link) and the TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD under "Informative Links for 'Living & Dying'". What will happen to a Catholic high school student's faith when exposed to a world of various religions and the TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD? In high school--in a Catholic high school--students should be learning about their own religion.

Worrel also teaches the Sophomore Immersion, a one-day immersion in the homelessness of the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. This is apparently what passes for a retreat at a California Catholic High School.

Given the evidence of

1) a Tridentine Mass in the occult website

2) the books chosen for Tom Worrel's class

3) the physical location of the Mill Valley Lodge being near enough to O'Dowd High School to permit commuting

4) the picture of Worrel on a website of another occultist

5) the evidence that Mill Valley Lodge is attempting to push Freemasonry in the schools

6) the Ogdoadic Tradition includes a pope and Catholic promoters of the Kabbalah in its heritage

7) the interest in Kabbalah of the occultist Tom Worrel and the evidence that the religion program at the high school include "Hebrew Scriptures"

8) the spelling of the last name and the middle initial

9) Worrel is eduction chairman in his Lodge

I am inclined to believe that the Tom Worrel of the Lodge and the Tom Worrel of the high school are one and the same Tom Worrel. However, I admit that none of this is irrefutable proof. The similarities could possibly be coincidental.

If I am correct, though, what is the future of the Church in America given that the Bishop of San Francisco appears to be either ignorant of this or approves of it?

In an article about homosexual activities in the Diocese of San Francisco, "San Francisco Faith" reported on the GLBT promotion at Bishop O'Dowd:

Local Catholic activists who attended the conference of the Bay Area Network of Gay and Lesbian Educators held at Holy Names College in 1995 report that Father Schexnayder was involved in organizing that event. A workshop at the conference about how to make Catholic schools gay-friendly held up the program at Bishop O'Dowd High School in Oakland as a model. ...

The O'Dowd group, known as Gay and Lesbian Education and Affirmation (GLEA), is moderated by Father John Malo, a religion teacher, who also teaches the "Living and Dying" and "Christian Sexuality" classes at the school.

This may not be directly related to the occult activites of this teacher, but it is no secret that the upper degrees in the O.T.O., another occult group operating out of Mill Valley Lodge, are homosexual.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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