Thursday, December 07, 2006
I've been writing recently about esoteric groups formed out of the Mill Valley, California Masonic Lodge--one of them the Mons Abiegnus OTO. Want to know what the words mean? Altreligion tells all:
In the lore of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Mons Abiegnus (Latin, 'fir covered mountain') was a mythical mountain that symbolized the spiritual journey of the initiate. Borrowed from Rosicrucian symbolism, Abiegnus is visualized as the kabbalistic tree of life in the form of a subteranean mountain, with the legendary tomb of Christian Rosencreutz (symbolic of the Hermetic/Alchemical initiation) contained within.
The Mons Abiegnus website provides a similar explanation along with the questions and answers that go with the Adeptus Minor Ritual, if you're interested.