
Sunday, December 31, 2006


Just in case he might have been too credible in the articles and statements I've already posted, Merceica has another political commentary about the Republicans and the Democrats that I think takes demagoguery to a new level. this one is about how Lucifer has influenced American clergymen to vote Republican. Are you ready?

...the devil succeeds to use the American clergymen to misguide the American people and to lead them most assuredly on the road to Armageddon through crucial and endless suffering. The strength of the Democratic Party lies in its agenda, which tends to put priority in expenditure on the health care and education of the American people.

The Democratic Party also puts top priority on the protection of the environment from air and water pollution, which is causing unnecessarily the death of some two million Americans every year. Besides, the Democratic Party is more effective in providing jobs with adequate pay for the nation's people and for protecting the middle class and the poor from paying excessive taxes. The strength of the Republican Party does not lie in its agenda but merely in the means it adopts to control the American people who are basically good, trusting and kind-hearted people.

Some means is so pleasing to the American clergymen that they virtually become hypnotized and obsessed to the point of not seeing, in any way whatsoever, the human tragedies that stem from the agenda of the Republican Party, which are causing the misery and death of countless millions of innocent people every year on a global scale. The good means adopted by the Republican Party to bring clergymen under full control lies in the its [sic] philosophical stand on the following items: (a) abortion, which is viewed as murder, (b) public prayer, which is viewed as a human right, (c) giving of vouchers to church related schools to help financially students who may want to go there, and (d) safeguard of traditional marriage, which prohibits gay marriages. ...

It is obvious that the agenda of the Democratic Party, in terms of priorities, is infinitely superior to that of the Republican Party as far as the needs and welfare of the American people are concerned. Yet, the philosophical means adopted to supposedly attract voters and gain power are conspicuously defective because they go against the law of nature. Consequently, the American clergymen feel quite alienated.

Several paragraphs further along...

...the devil, disguised as the Holy Spirit, works through American clergymen to cause surmountable pain everywhere.

And finally near the end...

The devil needs to be commended for his ability to squeeze the balls of American clergymen; he has succeeded to recruit them as his perfect agents of death without their being aware of it.

Apparently in his mind Hades and the Republican Party are one and the same thing.

This screed is dated May 24, 2004.

Someone gave this man a doctorate. People at the United Nations listen to him. Lord have mercy!!

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