
Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Interesting website. Seems to be a bulletin board for the OTO home in the Boston area.

According to this website the temple is located on the second floor at 175 Essex Street, Salem. Some of the activities at the temple include:

- The Gnostic Mass, presented several times

- They participated in--or at least took note of the Oct. 7 celebration of Freemasonry throughout the Commonwealth

- They taught the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram on Oct. 3

- They have a continuing class on the kabbalistic Tree of Life

- Lon Milo DuQuette presented a program titled "The Most Dangerous Secret in the World" on September 11, also one titled "Initiation: The Western Mystery Tradition" on June 9. (Note the description for the Sept. 11 class: "Did the Knights Templar hold 'the most dangerous secret in the world? This lecture has been called "Biblical Shock & Awe." Prepare to question everything you've been taught about the Bible and the history of Western Relgigion.")

- The September 22 and 24 class offered "Elements of Magic", a "core class in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft"

- B.O.T.A. members were welcomed for a ritual on Sept. 17, This took place at the Cambridge Masonic Lodge, Second Floor, 1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Porter Square, Cambridge, MA

- DuQuette discussed "Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot: An in-depth look at the artistic mysteries and the secrets of sexual alchemy hidden in the stunning imagery of the 78 cards of the Crowley/Harris Thoth Tarot" on Sept. 9

- DuQuette presented his book, THE KEY TO SOLOMON'S KEY, On Sept. 12

- Their journal is called "The Star & The Snake". Joe Shep is the editor.

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