
Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Folks, take a look at the 5-minute music video at this site:


It is a recording of "Silent Night" with some beautiful pictures, but read the text that comes on the screen along with the film. It appears to me to be solidly New Age. Notice, among other things, Who is not named herein. And why is the invocation to "Spirit," and not the "Holy Spirit"?

If I were designing a Christmas message to be sent out to spread the "gospel" of the United Religions Initiative in the post-Christian West, this would be it.

What's oddest of all is that I got this link as part of a Christmas message from an active Anglican evangelical clergyman, whose e-mail said "be sure to view and listen to the tune above." He gave no hint that there could be a question about the content and message of the movie.

If this is the level of theological discernment in some evangelical clergy, then ...

Kyrie eleison!



Here is the home page for the moviemaker:

Meditative Movies - by Mary Robinson Reynolds

Again, I suggest discernment ...

Yes, Lee, it's New Age. Mary Robinson Reynolds teaches MasterMinding. Here is what she has to say about herself:

Mary is the expert and author of many resources for dream and goal actualizing through MasterMinding. You can MasterMind for your heart's greatest desires: your dream, your marriage, your children, your business, your health and weight.

When you learn Mary's system of MasterMinding and add it to your daily life, greater and more far-reaching opportunities begin presenting themselves to you. Synergism and connections with people, places and things that hadn't come to you before swiftly start showing up. ...

MasterMinding is spiritually expanding work. People tend to set goals about what they do not want and then wonder why they hit a wall or feel it's just too hard to make what they really want to happen.

Whether you are devoutly religious, deeply spiritual, an atheist, agnostic or simply skeptical, the practical messages woven through what I have to offer will simply connect you to your best self.

For example, Mary's 2 spiritually based goal achievement programs - MasterMinding 101 and MasterMinding: LIGHTNING in a Bottle! - will show you how to say good-bye to authoritarian models of control, force and chasing after success. You will learn exactly how to flex your spiritual muscle for the results you intend. You will tap in and turn on your innate power to actualize what you are really dreaming of.

In other words you create your own reality.

At the inlightimes.com website Reynolds says:

Faith never looks out the window at the blizzard, it simply prepares for the blessing asked for. Whether it’s money, relationships, health, etc: what is the blizzard that keeps getting your focus, attention and belief? Where your attention is, therein lies your intention.

To grow in faith, you must flex your spiritual muscle. It’s really simple: study new ways of thinking, apply what you are learning, and formulate MasterMind Requests about what you really want in your heart of hearts.

If you have failed to attain your heart’s desires even though you have worked long and hard to do so both mentally and physically, dare to learn how to think, and therefore, manifest differently! You do not have to beg, argue or reason with anyone or anything—simply choose what you intend.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." - A. Crowley

Her solution to a problem is simply visualize it and make it happen. Read her solution to the desperate situation in New Orleans after the hurricane:

If you really want to help, stop giving your attention to all that is not going well.

Instead, VISION our government’s abundance arriving miraculously to assist and feed and nourish and heal the people of New Orleans … as well as throughout the World.

ZERO JUDGMENT. What’s not been handled well - or at all - up to this point no longer matters. What matters is seeing solutions generating, and being beautifully created out of the greatest good in people … now, now and now.

While Christians gather up packages of food and clothing to help victims, New Agers meditate abundance. It's a small step from here to claiming all of your problems are your own fault and so there is no need for anyone to help you overcome them. Just meditate your own solution. Couple that with zero judgment and theft, murder, immorality all become acceptable. What a world they want to create while they lull their followers with claims of love all around.

And it's getting more popular all the time.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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