
Monday, December 18, 2006


This website has far more hits than those I linked this morning, which may reflect nothing more than a website that has been active a lot longer than the ones I linked this morning.

From the website:

Bridging the Judeo-Christian Gap. IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN and would like to join a discussion group with other Christians, Howard M. Rollin has established a new list specifically designed for you. At this time, the most important aspect of this discussion group will be your understanding and hopefully your support and promotion of the "NOACHIDE" (the Sons of Noah, B'nai Noach) movement. Throughout history, Orthodox Judaism has controlled this movement, as if it were a part of Judaism. However, on March 26, 1991, U.S. President George Bush signed into law a congressional resolution on the Seven Laws of the Noachide Movement (House Joint Resolution 104, Public Law 102-14). Since Rabbinic Judaism has determined that Christianity is idolatry because of the Christian deification of Jesus, Christians are not allowed to become Noachides. Is this appropriate and/or fair? Christians certainly don't view themselves as idolators. Since there are a growing number of Christian Zionists who do not proselytize Jews because they respect all of the valid covenants of the Hebrew Scriptures, should there be a separate Christian Noachide sect for them? That will be the main thrust of information communicated through this "Yahoo" discussion group. If you would like to join, please click on the following link: Click to subscribe to Christian Noachides (bolding mine - ct)

At the "Bridging" link you will find credit given to Vendyl Jones.

It appears to be the website of Rev. Ken Allen of True Grace Ministries, a retired Applications Support Specialist at Auburn.

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