Thursday, December 07, 2006
at San Francisco State University, a Thelemic student organization, was born on April 5, 2004 in the Humanities Building. Thelema is the occult practice of Aleister Crowley. Michael Sanborn was the speaker at the first meeting. You can read a brief bio of Sanborn at the Pagan Pride website:
Michael Sanborn-Emcee
Michael Sanborn is a ceremonial magician, 19 year member of the OTO, and peripatetic surrealist. He was one of the founding members of Kali Lodge in New Orleans, Louisiana, the first curriculum director of the Oz Institute in Oakland, California, and the originator of "The Beast Bay" (a Thelemic webzine), under the pen name Xnoubis. His current interests include the integration of Hermeticism with Systems Theory, the development of a global Open Society, and Enochian Disco.
Topic of the April 25, 2005 meeting was "Women in Thelema: An Insider's Perspective". Topic for May 11 was "Voices from the Unknown World - Creating Dialogues with the Unconscious".
It appears from this webpage that Rites of Eleusis are hosted at the university theater.