
Sunday, November 26, 2006


According to the National Catholic Register, B16 has asked Henry Kissinger to give him political advice. The Register (which is a neocon Catholic paper, closely tied to the Legionaries of Christ) notes that the report is from the Italian press, which is not well-known for checking facts before publishing. (If any of you find evidence that the Register's story is NOT TRUE, please send it along, and I will circulate the new information to the 6 people who are getting this note.)

Kissinger to Serve As Papal Adviser?

Here is the whole story. Bold type is added by me, and I put a few comments in square brackets/blue type in the story:

[In the interests of avoiding copyright infringement, I have included ONLY the portions Lee has bolded and/or highlighted in red. To read the entire story, go to the Register website. - Carrie]


According to the Italian newspaper La Stampa, Pope Benedict XVI has invited the 83-year-old former adviser to Richard Nixon to be a political consultant, and Kissinger has accepted.

Quoting an "authoritative" diplomatic source at the Holy See, the paper reported Nov. 4 that the Nobel laureate was asked at a recent private audience with the Holy Father to form part of a papal "advisory board" on foreign and political affairs.

As the Register went to press, Kissinger's office was unable to confirm or deny the report. La Stampa stood by its story, although the Italian press is less rigorous in its authentication of stories as is the United States Press.

...in view of the Muslim hostility to Benedict's recent Regensburg speech, Kissinger might provide advice on dealing with an increasingly fractious Islamic world.

...Kissinger has analyzed the challenges of globalization and might provide advice in this area as well. ...

Pope John Paul II was close friends with Zbigniew Brzezinski...

[Brzezinski is a New World Order supporter, and he advised Jimmy Carter to provoke the Russians into invading Afghanistan ... and then to support the Muslim rebels there.]

In recent years, other figures invited to share their expertise with the Holy See have included Paul Wolfowitz, a former President Bush adviser and now president of the World Bank; Michel Camdessus, the former director of the International Monetary Fund; American economist Jeffrey Sachs and Hans Tietmeyer, former governor of Germany's central bank.

[Wolfowitz is a neocon warmonger; Camdessus appears to have been a Gorby-style NWO guy; Jeffrey Sachs led the Harvard economic team whose shock-privatization advice ruined the Russian economy after the fall of the USSR - and Sachs has been on the board of advisers of the Wittenberg Center, a New Age interfaith seminary.

(Here's the Wittenberg Center's list of their Board of Advisers:

Who we are
http://www.wittenbergcenter.org/id16.html .

Sachs is there, along with a representative from the United Religions Initiative.)

/sarcasm on/ With a cast of advisers like this, how could the Vatican go wrong? /sarcasm off/]

'Different Voices'

...like Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI is winning recognition for his intellectual ability and his capacity to discuss international issues with a diverse spectrum of world figures, ranging from the Dalai Lama to the late atheist polemicist Oriana Fallaci and to Mustapha Cherif, an Algerian Muslim philosopher whom he met this month.



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