Monday, October 02, 2006
I have the booklet reprint of the Lecce 1879 edition. This copy is claimed to be a reprint of the one that was reprinted in Lyon, 1904. It claims an Imprimatur of Bishop Zola. That would seem to indicate that in 1879, the Bishop of Lecce was content to give this booklet his blessing.
Later this booklet was put on the Index according to this website, which offers the condemnations. (Note: this website would appear to be sedevacantist from their home page)
Could this controversy represent two opposing factions within the Church fighting over the legitimacy of the message of LaSalette? If that is what it represents, those opposed to the messages came into power prior to 1916, but after 1879 when the imprimatur was issued; and those in power in 1916 did not want the priesthood and the hierarchy to be discredited by Melanie Calvet's prophecy, while the bishop in 1879 was content to allow this discrediting of the hierarchy.
At this same time period and occurring in the same place was the visionary church of Eugene Vintras, an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church which fell into sexual sin, and part of the history of the Martinist Orders that we still have represented today in Wandering Bishops, the Gnostic Church, the Liberal Catholic Church and the Old Catholics. A friend of Melanie Calvet was said to have been involved with Vintras.
Now in this month's NOR is a story about the Third Secret of Fatima which is very close to the supposed secret of LaSalette as it appears in the 1904 reprint. What's more, this Third Secret of Fatima in NOR is at variance with the Third Secret released by John Paul II.
And just to make it interesting, toss into this mix the claim of Cardinal Gagnon that the Church is in schism.
The icing on this curious cake comes from Randy Engel's RITE OF SODOMY. She is basing this claim on the book, THE UNDERMINING OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH by Mary Ball Martinez. Engel writes:
Martinez indicts seven 20th century Italian prelates who embraced a vision of a "Church of the Future." They are Cardinal Mariano Rampolla, Pope Leo XIII's Secretary of State for 16 years; Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, the powerful Secretary of State for Pope Benedict XV and Pope Pius XI; Giacomo della Chiesa who served as Rampolla's private secretary at the Nunciature in Madrid and who ascended the papacy as Pope Benedict XV; Eugenio Pacelli, another protege of Rampolla who served under Cardinal Gasparri and who rules as Pius XII; Angelo Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII; and Giovanni Battista Montini who became Pope Paul VI.Pascendi dominici gregis On the Doctrines of the Modernists, the decree Lamentabili, and the Oath Against Modernism. The oath was required of all religious superiors, seminary rectors and professors of theology as well as by every priest throughout the world at the time of his ordination.
In the early 20th century, Pope Saint Pius X signaled "Danger Ahead" to the Catholic hierarchy, clergy and faithful in his encyclical
After this direct hit from Pius X, the heresy of Modernism was temporarily forestalled and its spread among the majority of the faithful was prevented world wide. For their part, the enemies of the Church, from within and without, simply remained at their posts and/or went underground to emerge at a more precipitous time.
The homosexualization of the Catholic clergy and religious is part and parcel of the phenomena of NewChurch. ...
While Rampolla was in Madrid, Pope Leo XIII issued one of his most famous encyclicals Humanum Genus, a condemnation of Freemasonry on April 29, 1984 [sic]. After Rampolla became Secretary of State, all specific papal condemntions of Freemasonry ceased. (p. 1089-1090)
That passage from THE RITE OF SODOMY would also indicate a sea change at the top.
Martinism and the activities of Vintras were a form of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry. Upper degrees in Egyptian Rite are homosexual.
If Freemasons were able to enter the hierarchy at the turn of the century, they would not want the prophecy of Melanie Calvet to be spread about. They would not want the Fatima prophecy given out, if that prophecy included the kind of material contained in the prophecy from LaSalette. It would seem likely that they would want those prophecies to be buried in the secret archives at the Vatican. Placing the message on the Index would accomplish that.
In his video, "Exposing the Real Church Scandal", distributed by "Crisis Magazine", Fr. Benedict Groeschel claims that the Crisis in the Church started before Vatican II. What I am speculating on here would fit such a pattern.