Tuesday, October 03, 2006
One last visit, and then I'll leave the Holy Guardian Angel to relax. This one is an excerpt from the book, THE NEW LIVING QABALAH: A PRACTICAL & EXPERIENTIAL GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING THE TREE OF LIFE, by Will Parfitt:
"Conversation with the Guardian Angel is also sometimes called Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel or simply the Inner Dialogue. This 'inner dialogue' is not the incessant chatter of the thoughts (which indeed need to be turned off for true inner guidance to be heard), but rather the dialogue between the centred personality and the focus of the soul. This is represented by a symbol such as a dove, light, an angel, a radiant, wise, old person and so on. The 'Guardian Angel' is such a symbol. The angel may be described as a 'link with the spiritual realms' or ' the transmitter of the next step'. The Guardian Angel resides in Tiphareth and conversation with this angel is the primary work of this sphere. In the next section you will find more about the angel and a way of contacting him/her (the angel may be either - or both - sexes).
The Work of contacting and conversing with your Guardian Angel is vital to your progress. Aleister Crowley said it was a matter upmost and primary importance to the individual to have this conversation and that nothing else compares with it in importance. Gurdjieff described the same process as 'catching a soul' and also gave it primary importance. All religions, except those based primarily on faith, believe this contact to be vital. It is a way of forging a link between the temporal and the eternal.
Ok, enough said for contacting the Gnostic angel.
I'd like to move on to a slogan that is Gnostic and also seems to have caught on in the RCC..."Rekindle the Fire."
First, look at the angel on this Gnostic website. Seems to have feet of flames. Fire is very much a part of Gnostic belief systems. Alchemy and Gnosis have common ground.
The phrase "Rekindle the Fire" is used in the Catholic Charismatic Movement. You can see it used extensively at the website of a Fort Wayne, Indiana parish.
Flame Ministries uses it:
Rekindle the Fire organised by the State Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of WA attracted several hundred people to hear Jim Murphy's amazing journey of faith and evangelisation.
It appears on the website of the Diocese of Wilmington:
Renew your soul, refresh your spirit, rekindle the fire with in at upcoming Ministries Weekend.
The Phoenix "Catholic Sun" uses it:
Tricia Hoyt, director of the Office of Peace and Justice, said JustFaith formed out of a need for adults to rekindle the fire they once had for their faith. The founder put sole emphasis on creating a conversion of heart around social justice issues.
We are Church uses it:
We write to invite you and your student body to become part of an unprecedented campaign to rekindle the fire of the Spirit in our church.
The Diocese of St. Augustine uses it:
It is our goal to further strengthen the bond of faith for those who already maintain strong ties to the church and to rekindle the fire for those who have strayed from the practice of their faith.
The website of the Diocese of Los Angeles uses it:
In the providence of God the Father, the action of the Holy Spirit will rekindle the fire of love in the hearts of the faithful and renew the catechetical dynamism of the Church.
It turns up in Gay Spirituality:
Join us underneath the beautiful turning colors of Autumn and rekindle the fire of friendship an (sic) spirit!
The fire seems to be blazing in lots of progressive places. Including these:
The Gnostic House of the Sun website:
"We rekindled the fire and as Menathon fell into a long silence, we thought he had ended his account.
A book about human sacrifice uses the slogan:
The victim’s heart was fed back into the flames and once his entire body was consumed a faggot from this fire was taken and distributed throughout “all the regions of Mexica dominion” to rekindle the fire of civilization and to birth a new age (Read 126). The ritual ended with feasting and celebrating, and more human sacrifices, as the communal fires were rekindled from the sacrificial heart bathed in the starlight of the Pleiades.
Just a generic slogan? Perhaps.
Was it a pre-Vatican II slogan? If it was, I don't remember it. What's more I didn't find any Latin Mass websites using it. This flame is inordinately fond of liberalism. Did the Gnostics get the idea from us, or did we get it from the alchemists?
Simon uses the phrase in his "Release Your Brilliance Keynote Presentation":
Rekindle the fire of hope, happiness and belief in the future
Keith Varnum writes:
You rekindle the fire in your belly, the primal excitment that is life itself. ...Filled with practical, experiential exercises you can do at home to embrace and master Clehemy, Sovereignty, Universal Supply, Synchronicity, Unconditional Love, Grace, Equality and many other natural, miracle-producing states of being.
And Treasa tells us how to celebrate Beltane:
The Celts would gather on their sacred Beltane hill at sunrise to ritually rekindle the fire, which symbolized their regeneration of their own spiritual vitality.
The Theosophists are rekindlers:
Rather than vainly seeking what seem to be pleasing solutions to problems, one must make a strong effort to rekindle the fire of self-consciousness within oneself.
Vegas Vortex has more in comman with Roman Catholic Charismania than any Traditional Catholic would like to contemplate. Both are events of emotional abandon, happy-sappy celebration, and not much else. Yet Vegas Vortex is devoted to the Alchemical Fire Circle. The fire they are attempting to rekindle is the fire of the pantheistic movement "All is one":
The Alchemical Fire Circle empowers us to become our highest visions. We polish the mirrors of our hearts, listen to our inner wisdom, become one cell in a body of a unified group of musicians and dancers. We share the beauty of an ever evolving circle of friends, who come together to find their way to Spirit.
The expression "rekindle the fire" can be applied to a varied assortment of circumstances and ideas. Yet when the expression is used, it can be a cohesive concept if it is not clearly defined. What false sense of unity might be derived from Charismatics, gays, New Agers, and those advocating human sacrifice who all use this universal slogan? One would hope none, but I'm not optimistic.
Have the rekindlers in the Roman Catholic Church merely been sucked into the alchemical/heremetic process rebaptised in the name of Charismatic Renewal? Is the Charismatic Movement nothing more than Alchemy gone Roman?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!