
Thursday, September 21, 2006


by Neo-Cathar James Twyman. From the website:

Today's goal is to awaken, then initiate your Sacred Heart. Let's begin by identifying its position. You have perhaps seen pictures of the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" showing the physical heart with a Divine Flame above it. The Divine Flame is the actual Sacred Heart, while the lower portion is a symbolic representation of what is normally called the "Heart Chakra."

The Sacred Heart is often envisioned as a threefold flame, and each flame is symbolic of the attributes present in a person whose heart has opened fully. The first flame is blue, which is the color of empowerment or courage. The second is yellow, which is the color of wisdom. The third flame is pink, which is the color of unconditional love. When these flames are combined as one they become violet, or the fire of transformation. The former self is gone and you are left with only truth.

The Self lives to fulfill its mission in Heaven and on earth. That, quite simply, is why you are here now. Igniting the Flame: We will now initiate your Sacred Heart that it may begin serving its true function. First read this description, then go back and follow them as well as you can. The purpose of this visualization is to harness the energy that is contained within your physical and subtle bodies, then ignite this energy within your upper heart. You may think of it! like you would a gas stove. First you turn on the gas, then a simple flame ignites a whole fire. You are filled with energy now, some of which you call good or positive, while other forms are considered bad or negative. There is in reality no such thing as good or bad, positive or negative energy. Your thoughts alone make it appear this way, and it is by releasing these thoughts, or the story behind the thoughts, that you gain the ability to work with all your energy. That will be the purpose of this exercise.

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